Fuel, Stoves and Water for Haiti
January 27, 2009

There are several projects to supply fuel, stoves and potable water to Haiti. Some have been been ongoing since before the quake and some. The organizations we know of are:

CHF International, Helps (Water Purifier)
To donate a $35 water purifying system, go to

Legacy Foundation (Fuel Briquettes)

Miombo, Project Haiti
Peko Pe TLUD pellet fueled stoves to be distributed by Project Haiti. Pellets from Georgia.

Trees, Water, People TWP
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team AMURT and
Recho Rocket stove made from mud formed in a bucket, the Haiti Rocket Stove
Stovetec Rocket Stoves in a metal bucket.

World Stove, International Lifeline Fund
Biucci, Everything Nice TLUD stoves fabricated in Haiti. Pellet fuel from Florida (Green Circle). Grass pellets to be made in Haiti.

Agencia de Servicios Informativos de Chiapas (ASICh): En cumplimiento a la Política Social del Gobierno de México, la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (SEDESOL), delegación Chiapas, hizo entrega de 100 estufas ecológicas Onil, al igual mismo número de familias de Zinacantán, siendo este el primer municipio de la República Mexicana en recibir este beneficio.

Al respecto la delegada de la SEDESOL en el estado, Gloria Luna Ruiz, indicó que con ésta entrega se están beneficiando a 500 personas, señaló que el costo por estufa es de mil 365 pesos, además de que cada familia recibió una dotación de blocks para instalar sus fogones, con un recurso total por parte del gobierno federal de 143 mil 463 pesos.

Estufa Onil, Zinacantán ChiapasEstufa Onil, Zinacantán Chiapas

Televisa: Impact of HELPS Stove Program in Guatemala
Michelle Hollaender, Helps, International, January 2008

As you may have heard, a Mexican crew of three reporters from TELEVISA spent a week in Guatemala filming the positive impact that HELPS Programs has had in the lives of so many people.

The four day series will air Monday February 4th early in the morning in Mexico City.

The Kitchen Killer: Onil Stove Video
video by Lindsey Oneal, Guatemala, January 2008

US and Guatemalan First Ladies with ONIL Products
Don Oneal, HELPS International, March 20, 2007
Nike News

IDB Governors meeting in Guatemala last evening.(March 18th)
Don Oneal, HELPS International, March 19, 2007
[img_assist|nid=1556|title=Richard Grinnel presents IDB President with Miniature ONIL Stove|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=599|height=450]

Going Commercial
Don Oneal, HELPS International,August 27, 2006

HELPS Going CommercialHELPS Going Commercial

Thought you might be interested in the HELPS stove, retained heat cooker and water filter being sold through a major hardware chain in Guatemala.

Regards Don


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