Biomass Cooking Stoves
Effective cooking stoves can be built from a variety of different materials, and with a range of building techniques. Because materials and skilled builders can be scarce, we have sorted our more recent stories to allow you to choose the construction method that best fits your project.
Use the construction menu to narrow the list of stories to the materials and methods specific to your interest and application.
- Design Drawings of the Belizean Justa Stove
- Peru Healthy Kitchen Healthy Stove Project Results
- AIDUGANDA: Why are these Women Carrying Stoves on their Heads? and Other Images from Uganda and Darfur
- AID Uganda April-May 2005
- First Tests of the Libhubesi Stove
- Libhubesi - The Lion Stove
- Dislocated Elbow Rocket Stove
- New Patsari Stove
- Ghebrehiwet Institutional Stove, Eritrea
- How to Build a Kiln (older)
- ADHESA: Horno Mejorado “Manny”
- Development of a Low Cost, Heat Resistant, Kiln Brick, for Production of Purifiers
- Development of a Portable"Good Stove"
- Rocket Stoves and other technologies: state of the art in Malawi
- World Bank to revolutionise brick making in India
- How to Make a 16 Brick Rocket Stove
- The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) in Nicaragua
- Burundi Community Stove
- Two Stove Camps in India November 2004
- The Clay Brick Industry: Improvement of Resource Efficiency and Environmental Performance
- Nepal: Clean Development Clean Development Mechanism and Poverty Reduction
- Introducing the Rocket Stove into the Solar Cooking program in Turkey
- Construction of the Institutional Rocket Stove at the Malkerns NCP
- Construction of the Institutional Rocket Stove at Mahlanya
Insulative Clay
- The First Sixbricks Rocket Stove in Darfur
- Fuel, Stoves and Water for Haiti
- C+imara Tacuscalco y Modelos de Cocinas
- Using Pumice to Make Lightweight Ceramics in El Salvador
- Ceramics, Clay and Insulating Brick
- Initial Development of a Charcoal-Burning Rocket Stove
- Why Invest in a Cookswell Energy Saving Oven?
- Stove Costs and Perspectives - Lusaka, Zambia
- The Sprocket Rocket in Uganda
- AID Uganda April-May 2005
- Making Insulative Clay Combustion Chambers
- The Effect of Material Choice on the Combustion Chamber of a Rocket Cooking Stove: Adobe, Brick, Insulative Ceramic
- Manual Clay Ring Forming Machine
- VIDEO: How to build a Rocket Stove (includes making insulative refractory bricks)
Brick Making
- Kilns and Brick Making, A Rough Draft
- How to Build a Kiln (older)
- Insulating Fire Bricks
- Development of a Low Cost, Heat Resistant, Kiln Brick, for Production of Purifiers
- World Bank to revolutionise brick making in India
- The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) in Nicaragua
- The Clay Brick Industry: Improvement of Resource Efficiency and Environmental Performance
- Nepal: Clean Development Clean Development Mechanism and Poverty Reduction
- TLUD Bread Oven
- Mali Sewa Stove Update
- Ceramics, Clay and Insulating Brick
- Ceramic for Stoves Part 3a- Test firing local clays- primitive kilns
- Ceramics for Cookstoves 2: Testing Unfired (green) Clay
- Ceramic Charcoal Making Cookstove
- Ceramic for Stoves Part 3b- Test Firing Local Clays- Re-discovery of a "Natural" Kiln
- Recho TiBwa (Roket) in Haiti
- Ecostove (Ecofogão) in Brazil
- Biomass Stoves from Indonesia
- Greenway Smart Stove
- Lion Cub Stove
- Practical Action, Upesi Stove
- Ceramic for Stoves 4- Drying Formed Clay Shapes
- Practical Tips for Potters Forward and Introduction
- Practical Tips for Potters Part 7
- Practical Tips for Potters Part 5 Making Up and Testing Mixtures, and Clay Preparation
- Practical Tips for Potters Part 6 Forming Stoves
- Practical Tips For Potters Part 4 Materials That Can be Added to Make a Better Mixture
- Practical Tips For Potters Part 3 Testing the Clay For Cooking Stoves
- Practical Tips For Potters Part 2 Finding and Selecting Clay
- Jolentho Stove from Indonesia
- Research, Development and Commercialization of the Kenya Ceramic Jiko and other Improved Biomass Stoves in Africa
- Maputo Ceramic Stove - 2 samples fired differently
- First test of the Maputo Ceramic Stove
- Maputo Ceramic Stove Update
- The Effect of Material Choice on the Combustion Chamber of a Rocket Cooking Stove: Adobe, Brick, Insulative Ceramic
- enquiries
- Baking Bread in the Maasai Mara
- How to Build a Kiln (older)
- Biomass Cookstove Construction
- Ceramic stove components - chemical bonding of clays
- Light weight rocket stove uses high temp ceramic refractory
- Ceramics for Cookstoves 7: Ash/clay-- Modifying, Shaping, and Drying
- GERES/CFSP Cambodia New Lao Bucket Stove
- Eco-Kalans to Typhoon Haiyan Victims at Cadiz & Lacawon Is., Neg
- Reinforcements on the Holey Roket Stove
- Attractive Holey Roket Stoves
- Guatemala Stove Project
- Using Pumice to Make Lightweight Ceramics in El Salvador
- Ceramics, Clay and Insulating Brick
- Ceramic for Stoves Part 3a- Test firing local clays- primitive kilns
- Henya Stove Update
- Ceramics for Cookstoves 2: Testing Unfired (green) Clay
- Ceramic Charcoal Making Cookstove
- Ceramic for Stoves Part 3b- Test Firing Local Clays- Re-discovery of a "Natural" Kiln
- Initial Development of a Charcoal-Burning Rocket Stove
- World Food Program, SAFE Portable Mud Stoves
- Calidades de la buena arcilla para las estufas
- Introducing the eco-Kalan in the Philippines
- Rocket Bread Oven
- Recho TiBwa (Roket) in Haiti
- MIT Paper Randomized Improved Cooking Stove paper
- Dread & Works Enterprises, Improved Cookstove Producers, Lusaka, Zambia
- Recho Roket Website is updated!
- Practical Action, Upesi Stove
- Ceramic for Stoves 4- Drying Formed Clay Shapes
- Practical Tips for Potters Part 5 Making Up and Testing Mixtures, and Clay Preparation
- Practical Tips for Potters Part 6 Forming Stoves
- Practical Tips For Potters Part 4 Materials That Can be Added to Make a Better Mixture
- Practical Tips For Potters Part 3 Testing the Clay For Cooking Stoves
- Practical Tips For Potters Part 2 Finding and Selecting Clay
- Baldosa (Tile) Making for HELPS Stoves in Guatemala
- Maputo: Joao's Clay Vesto Stove
- Maputo Ceramic Stove - 2 samples fired differently
- First test of the Maputo Ceramic Stove
- Making Insulative Clay Combustion Chambers
- Maasai Stove and Solar Energy Project (with the ICSEE)
- How to Build a Kiln (older)
- Development of a Low Cost, Heat Resistant, Kiln Brick, for Production of Purifiers
- New Clay Ring Forming Machine for Domestic Rocket Stoves in Malawi
- Development of a Portable"Good Stove"
- Clay Ring Maker For Various Stoves
- Manual Clay Ring Forming Machine
- First Rocket Rings Fired
- Rocket Stoves and other technologies: state of the art in Malawi
- Sample Ring From the Ring Maker
- Five Stove Projects 2004
- Durability of Insulating Bricks and Ceramic Stoves
- Ceramic stove components - chemical bonding of clays
- How to construct a kiln (Pictures and Instructions from IFSP, Malawi)
- How to Make a Portable Clay Stove IFPS Malawi/GTZ ProBEC (February 2003)
- How to Make a Portable Clay Stove IFPS Malawi/GTZ ProBEC (February 2003)
- STOws Cooker - Low Cost Concrete and Ceramic Stove
- Duffy Hughes Memorial Stoves Project
- HELPS Stove Factory, Rio Bravo, Guatemala
- Singida Stoves: Searchng for Advice on Concrete Stoves
- Development of a Portable"Good Stove"
- HELPS Estufa Onil Stove: CAST AND MOLD
- Introducing the Rocket Stove into the Solar Cooking program in Turkey
- More woodoil/tar recovery experiments with the Cookswell mini-kiln
- The Mini-Kiln Kit
- Kilns and Brick Making, A Rough Draft
- How to Build a Kiln (older)
- Development of a Low Cost, Heat Resistant, Kiln Brick, for Production of Purifiers
- How to Build a Kiln
- World Bank to revolutionise brick making in India
- The Clay Brick Industry: Improvement of Resource Efficiency and Environmental Performance
- Nepal: Clean Development Clean Development Mechanism and Poverty Reduction
- How to construct a kiln (Pictures and Instructions from IFSP, Malawi)
Mass Production
- BURN Manufacturing winners of an Ashden Award
- Low Smoke Chulha
- Biomass Gasification Boiler Technology Evolves
- The Mini-Kiln Kit
- Future Fuels...for the Price of a Haircut in Nairobi- Kenya Seeds of Change
- Navagni Gasifying Cooking Stove - India
- Ten top tips for successful scaling up
- Kilns and Brick Making, A Rough Draft
- HELPS Designing Stoves for Mass Production
- Magh CM woodgas Good Stove
- New Clay Ring Forming Machine for Domestic Rocket Stoves in Malawi
- Clay Ring Maker For Various Stoves
- First Rocket Rings Fired
- Manual Clay Ring Forming Machine
- Sample Ring From the Ring Maker
- Advanced Stoves Laboratory at Colorado State University
- High Volume Manufacturing of Clean Cookstoves in Honduras
- Kirk Harris - 3 Hour TLUD
- tractor jack briquette press
- steam pan charcoal stove
- IFB stainless liner school rocket stove
- BURN Manufacturing winners of an Ashden Award
- Sink Charcoal Stove
- Vietnam Biocarbon "Magic Fire" Gasifier Stoves
- Biochar TLUD Stove now selling in Australia
- Proyecto Estufa Finca An Update from Seattle
- Developing Fuel Efficient Biochar Stoves and Ovens for North Vietnam Trip Report- Dec
- Testing Results of the Estufa Finca and Report
- Super Turbo Rice Husk Stove (5.5 kW) for Small-Cottage Industry Use
- Potential Energy Stove adds Orange heat shield screen
- Rocket Works Rocket Stove, Durban, South Africa
- TLUD Workshop in Seattle Friday Jan 27 9am-1pm before ETHOS
- Gasifier Stoves in Vietnam
- Hot Water Heating in South Africa
- Grasifier: a Switchgrass burning stove
- Introduction to the “Quad” TLUD Micro-Gasifier Stove
- Micro-gasification: Cooking with gas from dry biomass
- Demo of SCORE stove with thermo-acoustic generator
- cookpots with bottom peg fins
- Vesto Air Flows
- Making Wood Gas Stoves from decomissioned Gas Bottles
- PCT India Fan Stove
- Rim Fire iCan
- Hybrid Metal Rocket TLUD
- Jiko Bomba Gasification Cookstove
- The Mini-Kiln Kit