Stove Designs

Dung Berry Fireballs
Lanny Henson, October 30, 2006

Production of Sixbricks Rocket Stoves in Uganda and Darfur 2006
Ken Goyer, AidAfrica, International Lifeline Fund, November 12, 2006

Dear Tom,

I believe that so far, with Mathew and All Nations Christian Care, we have made about 15,000 SixBricks Rocket Stoves in the Lira, (north) Uganda refugee camps . I have 2,700 numbered pictures of these stoves, with the owner, her house, the flag of the Rotary Club of East Fresno and the number of the stove. Taking pictures has proven to be more difficult and more elusive than actually making the stoves. I hope to show these pictures at our ETHOS conference this year. Dan Wolf of the International Lifeline Fund has taken over this project in Lira and plans to fund 100,000 more stoves as well as to fund and run the project in Darfur camps to build a targeted 100,000 stoves there.

Meanwhile, I have started a new stove project in Gulu, (north) Uganda to make an unlimited number of Six Bricks Rocket Stoves in the Gulu refugee camps, in addition to teach stove building in Northern Uganda. AidAfrica is also working with Rotary Clubs in Southern Uganda to make about 1000 stoves for each of thirty Adopt a Village projects.

So this coming year will be even more exciting than last year.
AidAfrica now has an office and staff in Gulu and we plan to send volunteers from here to Gulu (and other parts of Uganda) to build stoves, start a reforestation project, address the problem of malaria and continue with the medical project which has directly saved very many lives.

Much thanks to you for running the stoves list. It has been instrumental to bringing the world closer together.

Best regards, Ken Goyer

Continuous-Flow Rice Husk Gasifier for Small-Scale Thermal Applications
Alexis T. Belonio, Appropriate Technology Center, Central Philippines University, Iloilo City, Philippines, November 11, 2006

Making the SixBricks Rocket Stove In Darfur With the International Lifeline Fund
Ken Goyer, AID Africa Dan Wolf, International Lifeline Fund,October 15 2006

GTZ Probec Protos Stove Tests Tanzania
Christa Roth, GTZ Probec, September 26, 2006

To give feedback on the Bosch-Siemens PROTOS plant oil stove when using Jatropha oil:

To give feedback on the Bosch-Siemens PROTOS plant oil stove when using Jatropha oil:
The long term test of the Jatropha oil being used in the BSH stove is currently under way in Tanzania in cooperation with GTZ-ProBEC. Preliminary tests are giving very positive results, even though with Jatropha oil being produced on small scale. Purity of the oil seems to play a crucial role, but we will be able to tell more early 2007.
The stove is designed for using straight plant oils, no need to convert them into Biodiesel. However, Biodiesel can also be used.

GTZ-Projects in the sector of household energy with financial support of DGIS (Dutch Directorate-General for International Cooperation), January 2006

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En este documento, elaborado por Rodolfo Díaz y Omar Masera, publicado en la Sección de Estudios Energéticos del Balance Nacional de Energía 2002 (Secretaría de Energía, 2003) se analiza la participación de la leña como fuente de energía en México y se presentan algunas medidas para promover su uso sutentable.

Transportando leña en MichoacánTransportando leña en Michoacán

La estimación confiable del consumo de la leña en México continúa siendo una deficiencia del Balance nacional de energía (BNE). Desde la incorporación de este energético al BNE, a mediados de los años ochenta, se han realizado varias modificaciones y correcciones, en la mayoría de las cuales su participación ha disminuido. Para la estimación de esta fuente de energía se han usado metodologías poco claras, con grandes deficiencias e inconsistencias; esto ha ocasionado la subestimación de su participación. La estimación reportada por la SENER es menor a los valores considerados en los estudios realizados por Masera (1993), Masera et al. (1993), Sheinbaum (1996) y Díaz (2000).

Ante la necesidad de contar con una mejor estimación del consumo de leña, Masera (1993)determinó a partir de la metodología conocida como “usos finales”, su participación en México. Posteriormente Díaz (2000) propone una mayor desagregación de esta metodología y elabora una serie histórica (1960-2000) coherente y precisa del consumo residencial de leña en el país.

El estudio completo está disponible en formato pdf.

File attachments: 

Stove fueled by 'tuba-tuba' launched in Leyte
By Vicente Labro, Inquirer
Published on page A1 of the Apr. 21, 2006 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer


Take a look at one or more of the following:

Chamber Stoves Website ( Todd White )


Hugh's Place

Specializing in Chambers stove restoration:

Macy's Texas Stoveworks. Yeezy 350

Manual de construcción: ESTUFA PATSARI

La estufa Patsari es resultado de la constante mejora de la estufa Lorena en México. En este manual se muestra el procedimiento para la elaboración de dicha tecnología.

Los autores de este manual son: Rodolfo Díaz, Rubén Gabriel, Odilia Molina, Santiago Marcos y Omar Masera

Manual Patsari
Manual Patsari

Este manual es un material de apoyo y consulta para el constructor de estufas eficientes de leña. Presenta en forma simplificada e ilustrativa el procedimiento para la construcción de la Estufa Patsari. La experiencia en diferentes lugares del país y del mundo indica que las estufas eficientes de leña son una buena alternativa para mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias y conservar los bosques.
En la lengua Purhepecha, "Patsari" quiere decir "la que guarda" en referencia a que conserva el calor y a que cuida la salud. Esta tecnología fue desarrollada por GIRA, el CIEco-UNAM, y el Instituto de Ingeniería también de la UNAM. El continuo proceso de mejoramiento y apropiación de la tecnología, ha permitido adecuar la estufa de manera más efectiva a las condiciones del México rural, reduciendo el costo y tiempo de construcción, al mismo tiempo que aumenta el grado de aceptación de las familias.

File attachments: 


Project Gaia/Brazil Trip Report: Assessment of the CleanCook Stove Supported by Microdistillery Ethanol in Minas Gerais, Brazil, 9-25 June 2006
James Murren The Stokes Consulting Group 2 July 2006

Gaia Brazil 02Gaia Brazil 02

Black stone pots are quarried and crafted in Minas Gerais. They
are preferred especially for cooking beans and soups, as they keep
the contents hot long after being removed from the stove.


Narratives of House Visits in the Three Communities of Salinas, Dom Orione, and Ponte Nova in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil 12-20 June 2006


Summary of Aprovecho’s Summer Stove Camp, 2006
By Dean Still and Nordica MacCarty, September 6, 2006

Aprovecho Camp 2006 02Aprovecho Camp 2006 02

Stove Camp 2006 was extremely interesting, especially because we had experts here who could help define what is known, figure out what needed to be done to expand the state of knowledge, and then, most importantly, have the tools to accomplish the experiments.

For Dean, the best moments happened around the table above when Chris Roden, Jonathan Lewis, the Aprovecho staff and everyone tried to get a general feeling for wood-burning stoves effect on global warming. Aprovecho’s recent tests at CSU of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, Methane, N2O, NOx, etc. helped to predict the gaseous emissions from the following stoves:
• Three stone fire
• Rocket stove
• Karve Gasifier stove
• Philips fan stove
• Charcoal Jiko stove
• Mayon rice hull burning stove

The gases, however, are only a part of the picture: particles also play an important role in the atmosphere. We learned that elemental (black) carbon particles produced in flames have a warming effect 1000 times greater than CO2 per gram, while organic carbon (white) particles produced by smoldering have a cooling effect 150-200 times stronger than CO2. Thankfully, Chris Roden had brought his and Dr. Tami Bond’s ARACHNE system which could measure the composition of the total PM to determine what percentage of black or white particles were produced by the stoves above. Chris, Damon and Nordica were at the lab till 11pm having a great time testing these stoves. Results should be available soon.

Doing this kind of research in a small lab in Creswell, Oregon for no money is what ETHOS stove camp is all about!

The publicized theme of this year’s camp was a competition to design the cleanest-burning fan stove. Two categories, side feed and top feed were awarded prizes. The top feed prize went to Dr. Paul van der Sluis for the Philips fan stove. The side feed Rocket stove with fan developed by Roger and Sule of Colorado State was the cleanest burning side feed stove. Congratulations to the winners!

Summary of Aprovecho’s Summer Stove Camp, 2006
By Dean Still and Nordica MacCarty, September 6, 2006

Aprovecho Camp 2006 02Aprovecho Camp 2006 02

Stove Camp 2006 was extremely interesting, especially because we had experts here who could help define what is known, figure out what needed to be done to expand the state of knowledge, and then, most importantly, have the tools to accomplish the experiments.

For Dean, the best moments happened around the table above when Chris Roden, Jonathan Lewis, the Aprovecho staff and everyone tried to get a general feeling for wood-burning stoves effect on global warming. Aprovecho’s recent tests at CSU of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, Methane, N2O, NOx, etc. helped to predict the gaseous emissions from the following stoves:
• Three stone fire
• Rocket stove
• Karve Gasifier stove
• Philips fan stove
• Charcoal Jiko stove
• Mayon rice hull burning stove

The gases, however, are only a part of the picture: particles also play an important role in the atmosphere. We learned that elemental (black) carbon particles produced in flames have a warming effect 1000 times greater than CO2 per gram, while organic carbon (white) particles produced by smoldering have a cooling effect 150-200 times stronger than CO2. Thankfully, Chris Roden had brought his and Dr. Tami Bond’s ARACHNE system which could measure the composition of the total PM to determine what percentage of black or white particles were produced by the stoves above. Chris, Damon and Nordica were at the lab till 11pm having a great time testing these stoves. Results should be available soon.

Doing this kind of research in a small lab in Creswell, Oregon for no money is what ETHOS stove camp is all about!

The publicized theme of this year’s camp was a competition to design the cleanest-burning fan stove. Two categories, side feed and top feed were awarded prizes. The top feed prize went to Dr. Paul van der Sluis for the Philips fan stove. The side feed Rocket stove with fan developed by Roger and Sule of Colorado State was the cleanest burning side feed stove. Congratulations to the winners!

Summary of Aprovecho’s Summer Stove Camp, 2006
By Dean Still and Nordica MacCarty, September 6, 2006

Aprovecho Camp 2006 02Aprovecho Camp 2006 02

Stove Camp 2006 was extremely interesting, especially because we had experts here who could help define what is known, figure out what needed to be done to expand the state of knowledge, and then, most importantly, have the tools to accomplish the experiments.

For Dean, the best moments happened around the table above when Chris Roden, Jonathan Lewis, the Aprovecho staff and everyone tried to get a general feeling for wood-burning stoves effect on global warming. Aprovecho’s recent tests at CSU of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, Methane, N2O, NOx, etc. helped to predict the gaseous emissions from the following stoves:
• Three stone fire
• Rocket stove
• Karve Gasifier stove
• Philips fan stove
• Charcoal Jiko stove
• Mayon rice hull burning stove

The gases, however, are only a part of the picture: particles also play an important role in the atmosphere. We learned that elemental (black) carbon particles produced in flames have a warming effect 1000 times greater than CO2 per gram, while organic carbon (white) particles produced by smoldering have a cooling effect 150-200 times stronger than CO2. Thankfully, Chris Roden had brought his and Dr. Tami Bond’s ARACHNE system which could measure the composition of the total PM to determine what percentage of black or white particles were produced by the stoves above. Chris, Damon and Nordica were at the lab till 11pm having a great time testing these stoves. Results should be available soon.

Doing this kind of research in a small lab in Creswell, Oregon for no money is what ETHOS stove camp is all about!

The publicized theme of this year’s camp was a competition to design the cleanest-burning fan stove. Two categories, side feed and top feed were awarded prizes. The top feed prize went to Dr. Paul van der Sluis for the Philips fan stove. The side feed Rocket stove with fan developed by Roger and Sule of Colorado State was the cleanest burning side feed stove. Congratulations to the winners!

Summary of Aprovecho’s Summer Stove Camp, 2006
By Dean Still and Nordica MacCarty, September 6, 2006

Aprovecho Camp 2006 02Aprovecho Camp 2006 02

Stove Camp 2006 was extremely interesting, especially because we had experts here who could help define what is known, figure out what needed to be done to expand the state of knowledge, and then, most importantly, have the tools to accomplish the experiments.

For Dean, the best moments happened around the table above when Chris Roden, Jonathan Lewis, the Aprovecho staff and everyone tried to get a general feeling for wood-burning stoves effect on global warming. Aprovecho’s recent tests at CSU of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, Methane, N2O, NOx, etc. helped to predict the gaseous emissions from the following stoves:
• Three stone fire
• Rocket stove
• Karve Gasifier stove
• Philips fan stove
• Charcoal Jiko stove
• Mayon rice hull burning stove

The gases, however, are only a part of the picture: particles also play an important role in the atmosphere. We learned that elemental (black) carbon particles produced in flames have a warming effect 1000 times greater than CO2 per gram, while organic carbon (white) particles produced by smoldering have a cooling effect 150-200 times stronger than CO2. Thankfully, Chris Roden had brought his and Dr. Tami Bond’s ARACHNE system which could measure the composition of the total PM to determine what percentage of black or white particles were produced by the stoves above. Chris, Damon and Nordica were at the lab till 11pm having a great time testing these stoves. Results should be available soon.

Doing this kind of research in a small lab in Creswell, Oregon for no money is what ETHOS stove camp is all about!

The publicized theme of this year’s camp was a competition to design the cleanest-burning fan stove. Two categories, side feed and top feed were awarded prizes. The top feed prize went to Dr. Paul van der Sluis for the Philips fan stove. The side feed Rocket stove with fan developed by Roger and Sule of Colorado State was the cleanest burning side feed stove. Congratulations to the winners!

Summary of Aprovecho’s Summer Stove Camp, 2006
By Dean Still and Nordica MacCarty, September 6, 2006

Aprovecho Camp 2006 02Aprovecho Camp 2006 02

Stove Camp 2006 was extremely interesting, especially because we had experts here who could help define what is known, figure out what needed to be done to expand the state of knowledge, and then, most importantly, have the tools to accomplish the experiments.

For Dean, the best moments happened around the table above when Chris Roden, Jonathan Lewis, the Aprovecho staff and everyone tried to get a general feeling for wood-burning stoves effect on global warming. Aprovecho’s recent tests at CSU of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2, Methane, N2O, NOx, etc. helped to predict the gaseous emissions from the following stoves:
• Three stone fire
• Rocket stove
• Karve Gasifier stove
• Philips fan stove
• Charcoal Jiko stove
• Mayon rice hull burning stove

The gases, however, are only a part of the picture: particles also play an important role in the atmosphere. We learned that elemental (black) carbon particles produced in flames have a warming effect 1000 times greater than CO2 per gram, while organic carbon (white) particles produced by smoldering have a cooling effect 150-200 times stronger than CO2. Thankfully, Chris Roden had brought his and Dr. Tami Bond’s ARACHNE system which could measure the composition of the total PM to determine what percentage of black or white particles were produced by the stoves above. Chris, Damon and Nordica were at the lab till 11pm having a great time testing these stoves. Results should be available soon.

Doing this kind of research in a small lab in Creswell, Oregon for no money is what ETHOS stove camp is all about!

The publicized theme of this year’s camp was a competition to design the cleanest-burning fan stove. Two categories, side feed and top feed were awarded prizes. The top feed prize went to Dr. Paul van der Sluis for the Philips fan stove. The side feed Rocket stove with fan developed by Roger and Sule of Colorado State was the cleanest burning side feed stove. Congratulations to the winners!



The First Sixbricks Rocket Stove in Darfur
Ken Goyer, AID Africa, Dan Wolf, International Lifeline Fund,September 4, 2006

Yesterday we had our first demonstration of the SixBricks Rocket stove in North Darfur. We had successfully fired about 1,000 of our special lightweight bricks using a local brickmaker, and now we have now started to show off the stove. Our first demonstration was a huge success. While the demonstration was intended to show the stove to a few nonprofit organizations, about 100 women came and took over the cooking action.The local staple food, aceda, was made in the largest round bottomed pot and then meat and sauces were cooked in other pots. The surprise was that after cooking this large and rather complicated meal, two thirds of it was handed over the fence and spirited away into a hut where some men were gathered. So the women were left with very little to taste. None the less they were very happy with the performance of the stove.

The political situation here remains touchy and for various reasons we will not travel to Kebkabia. Instead, we will stay here and work in El Fasher for now. Next, we hope to start a demonstration stove project in a camp which is actually a part of El Fasher. This way, access is easier, and it is safer, and still there are 32,000 people there, desperate for fuel with no trees in sight. Traveling even to the closest outside camp requires permits and permission and some worry about personal security or at least the theft of your vehicle by various rebel groups.

I have attached two photos to this email. The first one is of the stove and the second one is looking the other way at the crowd. Dan Wolf, founder and director of the International Lifeline Fund, and the benefactor of this project, has decided to rename the stove the "Miracle" Stove. I told him that it should be called the "Science" Stove, but that name just doesn't have quite the same ring.

Thanks to everybody who has made the invention and development and dissemination of this stove possible. The fruits of our labor are about to ripen.

Best regards, Ken Goyer


En este documento se hace un poco de historia del desarrollo de la estufa Patsari. Originalmente este artículo se presentó en la Latin America Regional Conference 2004, celebrada en Guanajuato, Gto.

patsari-gro: Estufa Patsari en Guerrero  Foto: Rodolfo Dpatsari-gro: Estufa Patsari en Guerrero Foto: Rodolfo D

Si desea obtener el artículo completo, favor de solicitarlo a:

La tecnología no es un elemento neutro, ni resultado “natural” del desarrollo científico-tecnológico, tampoco es un “paquete” que debe ser adaptado y usado en todas partes. Por el contrario, la tecnología es resultado de una compleja interacción de las necesidades, recursos, y de los objetivos y la lógica de desarrollo de quien la diseña. Es por esto que existe un gran número de necesidades, sobre todo en las zonas rurales de los países en desarrollo, que no se cubren actualmente, ni interesa cubrir en el mediano plazo.


En este documento se hace un poco de historia del desarrollo de la estufa Patsari. Originalmente este artículo se presentó en la Latin America Regional Conference 2004, celebrada en Guanajuato, Gto.

patsari-gro: Estufa Patsari en Guerrero  Foto: Rodolfo Dpatsari-gro: Estufa Patsari en Guerrero Foto: Rodolfo D

Si desea obtener el artículo completo, favor de solicitarlo a:

La tecnología no es un elemento neutro, ni resultado “natural” del desarrollo científico-tecnológico, tampoco es un “paquete” que debe ser adaptado y usado en todas partes. Por el contrario, la tecnología es resultado de una compleja interacción de las necesidades, recursos, y de los objetivos y la lógica de desarrollo de quien la diseña. Es por esto que existe un gran número de necesidades, sobre todo en las zonas rurales de los países en desarrollo, que no se cubren actualmente, ni interesa cubrir en el mediano plazo.

Stovers! A design of the wood-gas cook stove very good. The return process is better. I give the version on a figure. The stove received more complexes, but more effective. The products of pirolis will pass through incandescent coal and completely will be destroyed. There can be somebody it will roar to check up?
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Dual-Reactor Rice Husk Gasifier for 6-Tonne Capacity Recirculating-Type Paddy Dryer
Alexis T. Belonio, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines August 29, 2006

Paddy Gasifier 4
Paddy Gasifier 4

Rice husk, which is a by-product of milling of rice, is a potential biomass material that can be used to replace diesel fuel that is commonly used in a recirculating- type grain dryer. Gasifying rice husk on a top-lit updraft (T-LUD) mode was proven to produce quality flame that approaches the quality of that of diesel. Using gasifier, combustible gases can be piped-in through a remote burner for direct use by the dryers. Since, T-LUD type rice husk gasifier normally operates on a batch mode, a dual-reactor rice husk gasifier was designed and developed so that the reactor can be alternately ran thereby continuous drying operation can be achieved.

Dual-Reactor Rice Husk Gasifier for 6-Tonne Capacity Recirculating-Type Paddy Dryer
Alexis T. Belonio, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, Philippines August 29, 2006

Paddy Gasifier 4
Paddy Gasifier 4

Rice husk, which is a by-product of milling of rice, is a potential biomass material that can be used to replace diesel fuel that is commonly used in a recirculating- type grain dryer. Gasifying rice husk on a top-lit updraft (T-LUD) mode was proven to produce quality flame that approaches the quality of that of diesel. Using gasifier, combustible gases can be piped-in through a remote burner for direct use by the dryers. Since, T-LUD type rice husk gasifier normally operates on a batch mode, a dual-reactor rice husk gasifier was designed and developed so that the reactor can be alternately ran thereby continuous drying operation can be achieved.

CEDESOL Estufa de Diseno Rocket en Bolivia (Video)
David Whitfield, CEDESOL, 27 agosto 2006
[img_assist|fid=1152|thumb=0|alt=Cedesol Rocket]

CEDESOL Cocinando de manera integrada en Bolivia (Video)
David Whitfield, CEDESOL 28 agosto 2006

CED BeansCED Beans

CEDESOL Cocinando de manera integrada en Bolivia (Video)
David Whitfield, CEDESOL 28 agosto 2006

CED BeansCED Beans

CEDESOL Cocinando de manera integrada en Bolivia (Video)
David Whitfield, CEDESOL 28 agosto 2006

CED BeansCED Beans

CEDESOL Cocinando de manera integrada en Bolivia (Video)
David Whitfield, CEDESOL 28 agosto 2006

CED BeansCED Beans

CEDESOL Cocinando de manera integrada en Bolivia (Video)
David Whitfield, CEDESOL 28 agosto 2006

CED BeansCED Beans

Rice Husk Quasi-Gasifier Stove With Side-In Steam
Alexis T. Belonio, BSAE, MSc, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City August 24, 2006

Ric Husk Gasiifer 1Ric Husk Gasiifer 1

Wood Gas Lantern
Alex English, August 23, 2006

Wood Gas LanternWood Gas Lantern

Wood Gas Lantern
Alex English, August 23, 2006

Wood Gas LanternWood Gas Lantern

Report on Improved Dung Burning Stove in Tibet
Mike Hatfield, Aprovecho Research Center and GTZ, July 16-August 4, 2006

Tibet Traditional StoveTibet Traditional Stove

Report on Improved Dung Burning Stove in Tibet
Mike Hatfield, Aprovecho Research Center and GTZ, July 16-August 4, 2006

Tibet Traditional StoveTibet Traditional Stove

Principios de diseño para estufas de cocción con leña
Alianza para Aire Limpio Intradomiciliario (PCIA) 10 julio 2006

La Alianza para Aire Limpio Intradomiciliario (descrito aquí como Alianza o PCIA por sus siglas en inglés, “Partnership for Clean Indoor Air”) fue establecida por la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente de los Estados Unidos y otros socios principales de la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible en Johannesburgo

Plant oil-powered stove catches Gloria’s fancy
Manila Standard Today, Philippines, May 19, 2006

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo yesterday ordered the mass production and distribution of a new cooking device that runs on oil harvested from plants to 18 “hotspot” urban poor areas all over the country.

Mrs. Arroyo said the Leyte State University should fast track the production of Protos, which can run on jatropha oil, among other plant-based oil products, to help Filipino consumers cope with the rising cost of living.

“We will support the mass production and distribution of this cooking oil in 18 hotspots in the country to benefit those living in urban poor areas,” she said.

The Leyte State University is producing Protos, which is manufactured by German firms Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances Group.

Mrs. Arroyo said while the introductory price at P2,000 may be considered prohibitive, mass production will eventually lower the price of the plant oil-powered appliance.

Protos, also known as jatropha stove, was officially launched in Malacañang yesterday.

The President also ordered the immediate release of P500 million for the Philippine National Oil Co. for the planting of jatropha plants, locally known as tuba-tuba or tubang-bakod.

Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Romulo Neri said the country imports about $7 billion worth of oil and petroleum products, 25 percent of which is diesel. Once the jatropha methyl ester product is mass-produced, it can translate to a savings of $1.75 billion.

The PNOC and the Armed Forces have signed an agreement for the conversion of idle lands in military camps into plantations for jatropha, a potential biofuel source.

Another P500 million will be sourced from National Development Co. for the mass production of jatropha cooking oil and jatropha methyl ester as an alternative gasoline blend.

Lt. Gen. Romeo Tolentino of the Northern Luzon Command said 150 hectares have been allotted by the Armed Forces for the test planting of jatropha.

The Camarines Sur provincial government has also set aside 10,000 hectares of land in the towns of Lagonoy, Caramoan, Presentacion, Pili, Calabanga and Sipocot to serve as jatropha farms.

According to Jun Lozada, president of the Philippine Forest Corp. which is a subsidiary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, about P50 million of the P500 million PNOC budget will be used for further research.

“Per hectare, a jatropha farmer can earn P10,000 to P15,000 for the first year, and after five years that will plateau at P60,000 per hectare,” Lozada said.

Neri, however, gave a conservative view on the private production of jatropha oil products. “Let’s give it one year with the Philippine Army first. I do not want to be overoptimistic because this is still in the testing stage although some people are making glowing remarks over this.”

Jatropha planted from seedlings would start yielding fruits after six months, while those planted from cuttings would have an earlier yield at one to two months.

The University of the Philippines-Los Baños is now developing the protocol for the tissue culture of jatropha to mass produce the plant cuttings.

UPLB aims to come up with a high-quality jatropha seedling that is free from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Vegetable Oil Stove
Erik Jan Rodenhuis August 16, 2006
Volunteer at Working Group on Development Techniques (WOT), Enschede, The Netherlands

Construcción de la Estufa Justa (English and Spanish)
Jim Wilmes, Una-Familia, Trees Water and People

Step By Step Instructions for building a Justa stove by Jim Wilmes, Unafamilia, volunteer for Aprovicho and Trees Water and People

Jim Wilmes, Volunteer for Aprovecho Research Center and Trees Water People


Boiler Stove Idea
Frans Peeters, July 25, 2006

Energy Saving Stoves (pdf)
Majiko Sanifu, Traditional Irrigation and Environment Development Organization, Moshi Tanzania

Examples of Energy Savings Stoves:

Jiko la Kilakala
Hutengenezwa kwa udongo wa mfinyanzi, majani, mchanga na mawe.

Kilakala Stove.
Made-up from clay soil, grass and sand

Jiko la Lushoto

File attachments: 

Energy Saving Stoves (pdf)
Majiko Sanifu, Traditional Irrigation and Environment Development Organization, Moshi Tanzania

Examples of Energy Savings Stoves:

Jiko la Kilakala
Hutengenezwa kwa udongo wa mfinyanzi, majani, mchanga na mawe.

Kilakala Stove.
Made-up from clay soil, grass and sand

Jiko la Lushoto

File attachments: 
