
Lanny Henson, May 26, 2006

Center fired cartridge burner modules for wood and charcoal.

Renewable Carbon Links to Biomass Charcoal and Activated Carbon on the Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) Website. Buty treningowe do biegania w terenie

JFWasteEnergy Pyrolysis Plant, John Flottvik, JF Waste Energy Systems Ltd., British Columbia, Canada, May 2006

Burning charcoal- UMC-CH1 Charcoal Burner Module
Lanny Henson May 13 2006

Mali (Sewa) Stove Used in Polekwane, Limpopo Testing
Crispin Pemberton-Pigott and Rina King, New Dawn Engineering, December 2002

Rina King: A picture of the "Mali Stove" and "Modified Mali Stove" are attached. "They"

File attachments: 

Dread & Works Enterprises Improved Cookstove Producers
Chewe Lazarus, Lusaka, Zambia April 2006
Dread & Works Enterprises, Chewe Lazarus, Biomass Cookstoves Producer, Lusaka, Zambia April 2006

Ghana Household Energy Project
Enterprise Works/VITA 2002-2005

Chris adam has revised his report on the Continuous Carbonization System CCS_INTT (pdf) he built in Burundi.

Chris Adam, Appropriate Technologist and Designer, Germany January 17, 2005, Revised April 2006

Turning Sawdust Into Charcoal, In Malaysia.
from Auke Koopmans


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