
Measurements of Indoor Pollutant Emissions From EPA Phase II Wood Stoves. (3451 K)
Nabinger, S. J.; Persily, A. K.; Sharpless, K. S.; Wise, S. A. Building and Fire Research Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg, MD 20899, NISTIR 5575; 65 p. February 1995

Wood or charcoal - which is better?
J.D. Keita is Regional Forestry Officer at the FAO Regional Office for Africa, Accra, Ghana.
FAO (Unasylva 157-158)

Supplying the Pfunda Tea Factory, Lake Kivu, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo
Michel Halbwachs

Kivu Lake between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, contains an enormous quantity of dissolved methane. Exploiting this methane is a fabulous opportunity for the economic development of this region. This gas also constitutes a risk of cataclysmic explosion, as occurred in Cameroon at Nyos Lake. A scientific French and Swiss group studied the physicochemical characteristics of the lake and evaluated the risk of a gas explosion. The Company Data Environnement has set up a pilot station to extract the methane for energetic purposes and proposed the promotion of this gas for diverse applications.

Btu Calculator

desc=Excel sheet by Ken Smith. Water boil and Btu

A great Excel sheet pertaining to different species of wood.


Going Commercial
Don Oneal, HELPS International,August 27, 2006

HELPS Going CommercialHELPS Going Commercial

Thought you might be interested in the HELPS stove, retained heat cooker and water filter being sold through a major hardware chain in Guatemala.

Regards Don

Wood Gas Lantern
Alex English, August 23, 2006

Wood Gas LanternWood Gas Lantern

Pictures and Drawings of the Swosthee Stove, from Auke Koopmans (Aug 21/98)


Single Pan Wood Stove Of High efficiency A Fuel Efficient
Portable Cookstove,
Svathi Bhogle

T-LUD Pellet Stove at BSNB4
Kevin Chisholm, July 8, 2006

I have had the opportunity to attend a local event, the BSNB4 on 2 June 2006, where some impressive technology, at early stages of development, was presented. One of the presentations, a T-LUD pellet stove, burning a 25 pound bag of wood pellets in 15 minutes, had a few rough edges, but it certainly brings the T-LUD to a new height. A suitable exhaust hood would, of course, be required for safe indoor use. See picture.

160 grams of charcoal boils and simmers 5 liters/CF04 Stove
Lanny Henson www.lanny.us July 2, 2006

The CF04 Stove boiled and simmered 5 liters using only 160gr of charcoal and wood.

After several modifications to 4 different prototypes, it only took 150 gr of lump charcoal with 11% moisture and 10gr of wood to boil 5 liters of 83 degF/28.3 degC water in 45 min. That is 32 grams per liter to boil and simmer. At 1 hour after boiling the water was still simmering at 100 degC and after 2 hours the water was 205degF/96 degC. At this point I shut the air control and capped the pot module to stop the airflow and retain heat.

At 3 hours the water temp was 190 degF/87.8 degC and was 178 degF/ 81 degC at 4 hours.


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