Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

[img_assist|nid=1570|title=DVD Cover|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=186|height=200]

"I am very pleased to inform you that we are completing the fifth year of establishment of our non-profit organization, Foundation for Sustainable Technologies (FoST) in April 2007. I would like to share our efforts, on this occasion, with a documentary (DVD) film with you recently released by Gorp Productions in Spain for fund raising to support our program in Nepal. Please visit http://www.gorpproductions.com/fostvideo.html or type "Fost Nepal" in GOOGLE VIDEO to view the film."

Current Improved Cookstove (ICS) Activities in South Asia: A Web-based Survey, September 2006
Breathe Easy Network, Shell Foundation, March 17, 2007

This is an overview of all the recent cokstove programs which have been or are bing implemented in South Asia.

Schematic Super Turbo Rice Husk Gasifier

Super Turbo Rice Husk Stove (5.5 kW) for Small-Cottage Industry Use
Alexis T. Belonio, Appropriate Technology Center (APPROTECH), Central Philippine University, Ioilo City, Philippines March 28, 2007

Good news and glory to God!

A larger-scale super turbo rice husk stove that injects super-heated steam into the burning chamber was recently developed for small cottage industry use. By injecting super-heated steam into the stove’s burning chamber, a luminous pinkish-flame, which is rich in hydrogen gas, is obtained. While cooking, the stove produces clean gas that is released to the atmosphere.

This technology is another breakthrough in biomass stove research and development of the Appropriate Technology Center of the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Management, College of Agriculture, Central Philippine University, Iloilo City. This project was collaboratively assisted by the following agricultural engineering students of CPU namely: Daniel Belonio, Lucio Larano, Ian John Fabellore, Mark Alvin Almazan, and Clark Ian Sansolis.

As schematically shown below, the stove consists of a conical hopper that is made of GI sheet no. 16 where rice husk is being fed for burning inside the combustion chamber, a 5 liter capacity steam tank which boils the water and converts it into super-heated steam, a combustion chamber cover having a diameter of 30 cm that also supports the steam tank, a 2-in. diameter air pipe which supplies the air needed for the combustion of rice husk, a char discharge lever that allows the removal of burnt rice husk during operation, a steam burner that is made of 2-in. diameter stainless steel pipe that ignites hydrogen gas from the steam, a 12-mm diameter round bar support to firmly hold the stove, and pot holder to support the cooking pot.

[img_assist|nid=1560|title=Charcoal Extruder|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=200|height=133]

A charcoal extruder made by MIT, Amy Smith et al.

US and Guatemalan First Ladies with ONIL Products
Don Oneal, HELPS International, March 20, 2007
Nike News

IDB Governors meeting in Guatemala last evening.(March 18th)
Don Oneal, HELPS International, March 19, 2007
[img_assist|nid=1556|title=Richard Grinnel presents IDB President with Miniature ONIL Stove|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=599|height=450]

Jigger Mould Making for the Maputo Ceramic Stove
Crispin Pemberton Pigott, New Dawn Engineering, March 7 2007
[img_assist|nid=1523|title=Finished, cured moulds|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=400|height=387]
This is a set of pictures to show the process for making the moulds. The results are quite impressive - smooth and hard, beautifully formed. We can make about 10 or more moulds per day using the Jigger mould holder as a form.

First Announcement for the Expert Consultation: Sustainable Charcoal Production, Trade and Use in Europe 5 - 6 June 2007, Zagreb, Croatia
Miguel Trossero, FAO, March 24, 2007


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