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ETHOS Conference Proceedings, Jan 26-28. 2007
Kirkland, Washington

Session 1: Emerging Technologies & Fuels

[img_assist|nid=1311|title=Pelton Wheel|desc=Figure 135|link=node|align=left|width=190|height=200]

Below you will find a Pelton Wheel article that was translated by Martin Boll. The original text is italicized.

[1] (The young machinery constructor)

[2] (A Introduction into the elements of maschnery-construction and instruction
for making small models)

[3] "Adams Machinery-Book for Boys"Der junge Maschinenbauer (The young machinery constructor) Eine Einführung in die Elemente des Maschinenbaus und Anleitung zur Herstellung kleiner Modelle (A Introduction into the elements of maschnery-construction and instruction for making smal
(Copyright 1909 By Harper & Brothers)

[4] There, where a relative small amount of water, but a stronger
pressure is available, we use as well a sort of undershot water-wheel, by
using the high water-pressure with very high speed to bound against the
paddles of the wheel.

Proposal for ETHOS Technical Committee on Stove Testing Methods

Summary by Tami Bond, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2 February 2007

Biomass Pollution Basics
David Pennise, Center for Entrepreneurship in International Health and Development
(CEIHD), University of California-Berkeley

English - Swahili Dictionary
Mwana Simba, http://mwanasimba.online.fr/, A New Swahili Learning Method for Beginner Students

Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Stove Performance Guidelines Meeting January 25, 2007
Partnership for clean Indoor Air, U.S. EPA, Region 10, Seattle, WA

Four Discussion Pieces on Setting Air Quality Guidelines
HEI Annual Conference, San Francisco April 9, 2006
Kirk R. Smith, University of California

File attachments: 

New WHO Air Quality Guidelines:
their relevance for setting and implementing ambient AQ standards in Asia

File attachments: 

ETHOS 2007 – Building Foundations for Scale-Up
NGOs, academics, students, technical trainers, and global programs

File attachments: 

Global (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines and PCIA Partners Meetings
PCIA Bulletin #10: Technology, January 2007


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