Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

The thickness of the shaft is no problem. I attach an exel-sheet, where you
can see this.

The difference in cross-square between a 0.5cm shaft and a 4.5cm shaft is
more or less the same as the difference between a rotor-diameter between
19.5 and 20.0cm. If you need a bigger central hole because and the rotor
would not work (which I don't believe), make the diameter of the rotor a

File attachments: 

Solar Water Distillation
Anil k Rajvanshi, NARI Phaltan, July 13, 2007

You might enjoy reading the following work on solar distillation.


Gasifying Rocket Stove
Dean Still, Nordica MacCarty, Aprovecho Research Center, July 12, 2007

How to Build a Kiln - Various Kiln Building Links
Tom Miles, July 3, 2007

Following are various links to making kilns for bricks, stoves and pottery.

Manny Hernandez, Potters for Peace, http://www.pottersforpeace.org/
Presentations to ETHOS Conferences, 2006 and 2007
How to Build a Kiln (5MB pdf) ETHOS 2006
Kiln Building in Africa and Honduras (4 MB pdf), Presentation to ETHOS 2007

Kilns and Brick Making, A rough Draft March 2006

Building a Small Flat-Top Kiln
Mel Jacobson and Kurt Wild, Pottery Making Illustrated March/April 2005
Kurt Wild's kiln 22.6 ft3

Nils Lou The Art of Firing
Linfield College, Oregon
Building a Minnesota Flat Top Kiln

Frederick L. Olsen, The Kiln Book : Materials, Specifications, And Construction, 2001, Third Edition, Krause Publications, Iola, WI. www.krausebooks.com

Joe Finch, 2006. Kiln Construction: A Brick by Brick Approach. www.upenn.edu/pennpress

Pyrometric Cone Chart Evenheat Kiln, Inc.

Kilns for stoves
Construction of a kiln for firing clay stoves IFSP Malawi on HEDON

Various wood Fired Kilns for Ceramics
The Kiln Book, Materials, Specifications and Construction by Frederick Olsen
- My Olsen Fast Fire Wood Kiln

Firing Guide: Wood Firing Claystation.com

Woodfiring www.woodfiring.com

Sidestoke Gasifier Kiln
Bourry Box or Hob firebox downdraft gasifier side stoker
Double Bourry Box Kiln
Fastfire Wood kiln vs Bourry Box
120 ft3 Bourry Box Kiln

A modification of the Bourry kiln can be found in:
Wood-fired Ceramics, Contemporary Practices, Coll Minogue and Robert Sanderson, 160 pages | 8.5 x 11 | 101 color, 118 b/w illus. Cloth 2000 | ISBN 978-0-8122-3514-2

Pico Hydro power generation calculations
James F. Hensel, Portland, Oregon USA, June 24, 2007

In thinking about the Pico Hydro videos, I created the attached spreadsheet. It has two tabs.

PCIA Bulletin 12: Focus on Volunteers, July 2007
Partnership for Clean Indoor Air

Dear Partners,

We have published the 12th issue of the PCIA Bulletin!

How to Build a Kiln (5MB pdf)
Manny Hernandez, Potters for Peace
Presentations to ETHOS Conferences, 2006 and 2007
How to Build a KilnHow to Build a Kiln

What is an Improved Cook Stove?
Dean Still, Aprovecho Research Center, Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Biannual Conference Bangalore, India March 20-23, 2007, June 21, 2007

Large Camp Stoves in Madagascar (Mandriambero, Antananarivo)
Mary Barber June 18 2007

HEDON newsletter (18/06/2007)
Fran Humber, Household Energy Network HEDON


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