
From Stuart Conway and Rogerio Miranda

Hola companeros,

Mandanadose un reporte algo grande, pero de interes sobre el trabajo que hice Rogerio y Winrock introduciendo una estufa tipo Justa pero modificado para Peru, la Inkawasi


Alazar Tesfay, April, 2010

Currently, we are developing high power improved stoves for institutions.The key features of the design is adopted based on the household stoves developed and promoted by Debesai Ghebrehiwet in Eritrea. It lifts the fire chamber off the ground so the air can flow underneath through the perforated fire grates which held the fire chamber that increases the combustion efficiency and retains heat while raising the cooking pot to the hottest point above the flame. We got a fantastic result from the heat transfer efficiency point of view. But we faced a problem in Controlling the smoke which passes by the sides between the pot and the walls of the fire chamber. Do you have any idea how we can control such situations with out buying additional materials like Pot skirt.

[MAGH OPEN STOVE]( is an institutional fixed woodgas stove. This stove is useful for cooking needs of up to 100. With primary and secondary air controls it is easy to operate and highly efficient. For making this stove, "Magh CM" stoves are used inside. This stove is installed at "Open House", Hyderabad, a place for destitute youth for cooking their own food, shelter, studies, etc. Implemented under the "Good Stoves and Biochar Communities" Project, Implemented by GEO with support of France. Stove design by Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy. For more details visit

Wendy Naira Mejía, October, 2009

Manual: Uso y Mantenimiento del Horno
Mejorado “Manny”

El Horno Mejorado “Manny” fue diseñado por el profesor Manuel Hernández de la
Universidad de Illinois en Estados Unidos, con el fin de resolver la problemática a la que se
enfrentan pequeños y medianos productores que se dedican a hornear o quemar piezas
de barro con leña. Este horno por su diseño quema las piezas de barro con un sistema de
flujo de llama invertida que permite una distribución del calor de manera uniforme dentro
de la cámara donde se coloca el producto, reduciendo considerablemente la perdida del

En base a experiencias en el campo, el profesor Hernández ha ido mejorando su diseño,
utilizando diferentes tipos de materiales para su construcción. Al mismo tiempo, en
conjunto con el profesor Lowell Baker de la Universidad de Alabama en Estados Unidos y
con los ceramistas de La Paz Centro en Nicaragua han creado un Inyector de combustible
alternativo llamado MICA, que en conjunto con el diseño del horno mejorado “Manny”
esta permitiendo un ahorro de leña, así como el de crear una condición más cómoda y
segura para el ceramista.

Este manual ilustrativo describe los pasos a seguir para hacer un buen uso y
mantenimiento del Horno Mejorado “Manny” de un metro cúbico de capacidad (1m³), no
obstante se insita a los expertos en la materia así como a los ceramistas en general a
realizar pruebas de campo que perfeccionen aun más el buen uso y mantenimiento de
este horno.

The Belizean Justa Stove
A Step by Step Construction Guide in English and Spanish
Sebastian Africano for Trees water and People, February 2009

Attached are pdf files of the guides in english and Spanish.

Click on the images below to expand, and then click on "Original" for detail.

How to Make a 16 Brick Rocket Stove
Larry Winiarski, Rotary International, Santiago Tlautla, Mexico, July 2008

Dr. Larry Winiarski makes a clean burning rocket stove using 16 adobe bricks at the Rotary International-sponsored Integrated Cooking Workshop in Tlautla, Mexico

AIDUGANDA: Why are these Women Carrying Stoves on their Heads? and Other Images from Uganda and Darfur
Ken Goyer, AidUganda, October 2007

Aiduganda has been installing stoves in Uganda and Darfur. The following are links to images and videos from those activities courtesy of Ken Goyer.

Why are these Women Carrying Stoves on their Heads?

Cooking with the standard pot in Darfur

SixBricks Rocket stoves in Lira Refugee Camps

New Patsari Stove
Victor Berrueta, GIRA, Mexico 6 junio 2007

Patsari (a base de ladrillo), GIRA
Patsari (a base de ladrillo), GIRA

Burundi Community Stove, (BCST) Institutional Peat Stove Programme in Burundi, Chris Adam, Adam + Partner, Garmisch, Germany, March, 2006

How to Build a Kiln - Various Kiln Building Links
Tom Miles, July 3, 2007

Following are various links to making kilns for bricks, stoves and pottery.

Manny Hernandez, Potters for Peace,
Presentations to ETHOS Conferences, 2006 and 2007
How to Build a Kiln (5MB pdf) ETHOS 2006
Kiln Building in Africa and Honduras (4 MB pdf), Presentation to ETHOS 2007

Kilns and Brick Making, A rough Draft March 2006

Building a Small Flat-Top Kiln
Mel Jacobson and Kurt Wild, Pottery Making Illustrated March/April 2005
Kurt Wild's kiln 22.6 ft3

Nils Lou The Art of Firing
Linfield College, Oregon
Building a Minnesota Flat Top Kiln

Frederick L. Olsen, The Kiln Book : Materials, Specifications, And Construction, 2001, Third Edition, Krause Publications, Iola, WI.

Joe Finch, 2006. Kiln Construction: A Brick by Brick Approach.

Pyrometric Cone Chart Evenheat Kiln, Inc.

Kilns for stoves
Construction of a kiln for firing clay stoves IFSP Malawi on HEDON

Various wood Fired Kilns for Ceramics
The Kiln Book, Materials, Specifications and Construction by Frederick Olsen
- My Olsen Fast Fire Wood Kiln

Firing Guide: Wood Firing


Sidestoke Gasifier Kiln
Bourry Box or Hob firebox downdraft gasifier side stoker
Double Bourry Box Kiln
Fastfire Wood kiln vs Bourry Box
120 ft3 Bourry Box Kiln

A modification of the Bourry kiln can be found in:
Wood-fired Ceramics, Contemporary Practices, Coll Minogue and Robert Sanderson, 160 pages | 8.5 x 11 | 101 color, 118 b/w illus. Cloth 2000 | ISBN 978-0-8122-3514-2


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