
Wendy Naira Mejía, October, 2009

Manual: Uso y Mantenimiento del Horno
Mejorado “Manny”

El Horno Mejorado “Manny” fue diseñado por el profesor Manuel Hernández de la
Universidad de Illinois en Estados Unidos, con el fin de resolver la problemática a la que se
enfrentan pequeños y medianos productores que se dedican a hornear o quemar piezas
de barro con leña. Este horno por su diseño quema las piezas de barro con un sistema de
flujo de llama invertida que permite una distribución del calor de manera uniforme dentro
de la cámara donde se coloca el producto, reduciendo considerablemente la perdida del

En base a experiencias en el campo, el profesor Hernández ha ido mejorando su diseño,
utilizando diferentes tipos de materiales para su construcción. Al mismo tiempo, en
conjunto con el profesor Lowell Baker de la Universidad de Alabama en Estados Unidos y
con los ceramistas de La Paz Centro en Nicaragua han creado un Inyector de combustible
alternativo llamado MICA, que en conjunto con el diseño del horno mejorado “Manny”
esta permitiendo un ahorro de leña, así como el de crear una condición más cómoda y
segura para el ceramista.

Este manual ilustrativo describe los pasos a seguir para hacer un buen uso y
mantenimiento del Horno Mejorado “Manny” de un metro cúbico de capacidad (1m³), no
obstante se insita a los expertos en la materia así como a los ceramistas en general a
realizar pruebas de campo que perfeccionen aun más el buen uso y mantenimiento de
este horno.

Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air pollution and adverse health effects among Honduran women
Stuart Conway, Trees, Water and People August 5, 2009

Maggie L. Clark, Jennifer L. Peel, James B. Burch, Tracy L. Nelson,
Matthew M. Robinson, Stuart Conway, Annette M. Bachand and
Stephen J. Reynolds


Hello stoves community,

At ETHOS 2009 we held a panel on stove safety, bringing in viewpoints from corporate standards development, national standards certification, and small to medium scale developers. The team led by Nathan Johnson (Iowa State University) included Crispin Pemberton-Pigott (New Dawn Engineering), Casper Thijssen (Philips), and Karabi Dutta.

The panel gave a comparative analysis of how different stove industries (multinational corporations, medium-scale companies, NGOs, small developers, etc.) addressed fundamental stove safety questions. These topics included:

a) applicability of standards and regulation;
b) incentives and benefits
c) facilities and equipment availability
d) cost vs. benefit
e) resulting action

We determined that each type of industry has a different perspective that influences their path or actions towards a safer stove. And that all sub-industries may not produce safer stoves given the same incentive mechanisms or policies. As such more than one path to safety may be needed to reach the greatest amount of end-users (and producers). The panel ended the discussion with an overview present work in stove safety with recommendations for next steps.

Please view the attached file for more details. I will be leading a group in 2009 to work on the following: assemble database of injury data, b) analyze incentive mechanisms, cost/ benefit, c) development of lab testing procedures for different stove categories, d) publication of findings/ results, and e) look for partnerships with international agencies to support safer stove design and production.

Please contact me if you have any questions. There will be more updates to follow. Best,
Nathan Johnson
PhD Candidate, Mechanical Engineering, International Development
Iowa State University

Air Pollution and Respiratory Health among Honduran Women (2 MB pdf)poster
M.L. Clark,1 J.L. Peel,1 S. Conway,2 J.B. Burch,3 S.J. Reynolds 1 2006

1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; 2Trees Water & People, Fort Collins, CO; 3University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC



High Volume Production of Clean Cook Stoves for Honduras
Bryan Willson and Peter Letvin, Colorado State University Global Innovation Center for Energy, Environment and Health January 2006

2004 Honduran Market Stove, Mike Hatfield, Aprovecho, Trees Water and People,ADHESA, December 2004
Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Bio Hack' Baroque Brown/Black-Laser Orange-Racer Pink

Honduras Micro-Enterprise Stove Project, ADHESA, Trees Water and People, Stuart Conway, July 2005

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