Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

HEDON newsletter (13/08/2007)
Fran Humber, Household Energy Network HEDON

1st drawing: looking in direction of the axle-
2nd drawing: central part of the double-fins showing the different cut-outs, to fit all the three together

Malot-Blower with Triangle-Shaft
Martin Boll August, 2007.

- 1st drawing: looking in direction of the axle-

Wood Charcoal Gasifier Stove
Alexis Belonio and Djoewito Atmowidjojo, August 6, 2007

A Continuous–Flow Steam Generator for a Cookstove (3.6 MB pdf)
Dale Andreatta, July 2007

Marshall Islands Kitchen
Michael N Trevor, Enemanit, Majuro, Marshall Islands, March 2007
Marshall Islands KitchenMarshall Islands Kitchen

Summary of Stove Camp 2007
Dean Still, Nordica MacCarty, Aprovecho Research Center

Boiling Point 53: Technologies that really work - May 2007
Liz Bates, HEDON, July 2007

The theme of this edition is "Technologies that really work" and we are pleased to welcome Crispin Pemberton-Pigott as theme editor. Crispin is well known to many Boiling Point readers and has worked in the field of stoves for over 25 years. His editorial discusses changes that have happened within the household energy sector over the years and looks at what the future challenges could be.

This edition covers a range of energy technologies and looks at what has made them successful and used by people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. There is also a discussion around the issues needed to make a technology successful including the social, economic, marketing, environmental and political factors.

CleanAirSIG e-conference: 16 - 27 July 2007
Household Energy Network HEDON

To celebrate the launch of the CleanAirSIG, HEDON and Practical Action are holding this two-week online conference on kitchen smoke alleviation.

The topics to be covered are:

* Community projects
* Monitoring and evaluation
* Technology development,commercialisation & enterprise
* Policy action
* Knowledge sharing and networking
* What are the next steps?

To join the conference, log on to the HEDON website and click 'subscribe' for the CleanAirSIG Conference in the usercentre. You will then receive email confirmation - it is so easy!

HEDON site: http://www.hedon.info

Conference site: http://www.hedon.info/goto.php/CleanAirSIGConferenceJuly2007

HEDON newsletter (16/07/2007)
Fran Humber, Household Energy Network HEDON


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