
Rocket Stoves in Sub-Saharan Africa
Peter Scott, Aprovecho, October 18, 2004

Dear Stovers

Since Aug 2003, my partner, Jayme Vineyard, and I have been working with GTZ ProBEC (Program for Biomass Energy Conservation) and EAP (Energy Advisory Project) as well as World Food Program and innumerable small businesses to introduce the Rocket Stove principle to a number of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia).

Rocket Stoves in Sub-Saharan Africa, Peter Scott and Jayme Vineyard, Aprovecho, October 2004 (9 reports)
Alle Artikel

Uganda, How to Build the Improved Household Stoves: A construction guide for the Rocket - Lorena and Shielded Fire Stoves, Energy Advisory Project, GTZ, Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Peter Scott, July 2005

Durability of Insulating Bricks and Ceramic Stoves, Discussion September 2005

Institutional Stoves in Southern Africa: Malawi Report 2005, Peter Scott, Aprovecho for GTZ/Probec North, October 2005. Includes many rocket plans and guides such as: 200L Brick Stove Plans, Design Guides, Quality Control Guide (xls), Institutional User Guide.

Development of Tobacco Rocket Barn for Small Holder Farmers in Malawi: A collaboration of ProBEC/GTZ, Limbe Leaf and Aprovecho, Peter Scott January 2006


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