Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

AIDUGANDA: Why are these Women Carrying Stoves on their Heads? and Other Images from Uganda and Darfur
Ken Goyer, AidUganda, October 2007

Aiduganda has been installing stoves in Uganda and Darfur. The following are links to images and videos from those activities courtesy of Ken Goyer.

Why are these Women Carrying Stoves on their Heads?

Cooking with the standard pot in Darfur

SixBricks Rocket stoves in Lira Refugee Camps

Dry Fuel Equivalent Calculator
Crispin and Nigel Pemberton-Pigott, October 2007

TLUD Gasifier in Ashden Award for Enterprise
Paul Anderson September 21, 2007
Shenzhou DaxuShenzhou Daxu

Solar Still
Frank Shields, Soil Control Lab, Watsonville, CA August 5, 2007
Solar StillSolar Still

EWB–Princeton, Huamanzaña, Perú
Shannon Brink, Engineers Without Borders- Princeton, http://huamanzana.blogspot.com/
EWB-PrincetonShannon and Friend
See Shannon Brink's blog on this EWB project in Peru.

Hybrid Stove Making Charcoal (YouTube)
Lanny Henson, July 26, 2007

Biomass cooking stove burns wood to charcoal and saves the charcoal. One pound of wood cooks 6 kilos of rice and makes 65 grams of char.


Hybrid Stove Burning Bamboo Pan Cooking


Here is another 3 min video of the Hybrid Stove burning bamboo chips and pan cooking eggs.
Bamboo chips burns well in the Side Supply Burner but the pan only reached medium heat.
The heat from the burner seems to be diffusing and bypassing the pan. Enough heat is being generated by the burner but the pan module lacks focus.
Suggestions to fix pan module?


Instrucciones de armado y manejo caja caliente (olla bruja).
Biblioteca de Descargas del Lahv, Argentina, Enviado por: María Victoria Mercado.

Verdes Campiñas y Ollagüe se capacitan en ollas brujas
El Mercurio de Calama, Chile, Lunes 14 de mayo de 2007

Pobladores ya están en condiciones de fabricar por sí mismos esta tecnología de energía limpia que utiliza la inercia térmica del agua para cocer alimentos

Solar Energy Enterprises Company Ltd.
Salih Hamadto, Khartoum, Sudan July 2007

The Flames of Hope: A Berkeley physicist has found a way to help keep Darfurians alive, by building a better kitchen stove.
By Barrett Sheridan, Newsweek, July 16, 2007


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