Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

Introducing Greenie©
For a Greenie-er Happier, Healthier Gambia
George Riegg, Paper Recycling Skills Project, Serekunda, The Gambia October 12, 2008

Every cause needs a champion and our environment deserves the best. Especially in a society where over 65 % of the population have to live below the official minimum income subsistence threshold “ Environmental protection “ can be a very complex and abstract issue but as soon as we introduce a personal and human element we create a focal point for all to understand.

“ Greenie© “ is a staunch environmentalist, loves all things natural and especially trees. She lives in The Gambia and likes planting things, nursing them and watching them grow – her biggest horror are litter and waste in the environment and she is always happy and eager to explore new ways of re-using and re-cycling them and share her experience.

Our plan is to join her in her adventures of helping to make The Gambia an even more beautiful place to live in and to visit. Her stories will be told in little 24 page pamphlets, showing her in real-life situation photographs accompanied by fun and educational copy-writing. The booklets will be published by PRSP in collaboration with her Artist creator, Caroczel, produced to a professional standard and will be a fun way to create environmental awareness for all age groups within the community.

Fuel efficient wood-burning domestic stoves & Compressed bio-mass briquettes
Fuel efficient wood-burning domestic stoves & Compressed bio-mass briquettes

This type of stove has been developed and refined over the last 30 years. It is designed to use wood and other alternative bio-fuels in briquette format. This particular method of construction allows the harmful gases – which on a normal fire are seen as smoke – to be trapped and heated sufficiently to burn and create a secondary combustion. For the same amount of fuel we generate at least twice as much heat for cooking. Add to that other design features in the stove – better air control, a “ skirt “ around the pot base – and we increase its efficiency by as much as 3 times. In effect we only need one third of the fuel in comparison to an open fire to achieve the same result.

The stove will be custom designed for The Gambia’s conditions taking into account the maximum size of a standard domestic cooking pot and dietary requirements. It only comprises of 4 simple parts, its use is easy to learn and safe and it can be manufactured with tooling available on an industrial and local level from new or used steel and parts.
Briquette in Stove
Briquette in Stove

George and Greenie
and Caroczel the artist

PRSP Project Contact:
George Riegg
General Manager
Mob: +220 770 7090
Email: icecool@qanet.gm

Stovetec(tm) Greenfire Technology (tm)
Plain One door
Plain One door

StoveTec™ introduces
GreenFire Technology™
Wood and Charcoal Stoves

How to Make a Tin Can Rocket Stove
Larry Winiarski, Aprovecho Research Center, September 2008

Final Report: Development of Improved Tobacco Curing Barn for Small Holder Farmers in Southern Africa
2007- 2008 Trials at Nature’s Gift Testing Facility, Lilongwe, Malawi, Rocket Barn Field Test in Mponela and Kasungu
Submitted by: Peter Scott For Trent Bunderson /TLC and Imperial Tobacco June 24,2008
Rocket Barn 3.0Rocket Barn 3.0

Carbon Credit Monitoring
David Mukisa, Uganda Stove Manufacturers Limited (Ugastove), November 2007
PCIA Africa Regional Workshop, Pretoria, Oct--Nov 2007

•Uganda Stove Manufacturers Ltd (UGASTOVE) was until recently called UCODEA, short for Urban Community Development Agencies.
•It is a progressive improved stove business based in Kampala, Uganda, producing and selling both household and institutional stoves
•Name was changed to ease recognition and distinction as we look forward to branding/ patenting.

The stove project benefited from a US EPA grant in 2004-2006, which funded the construction of production infrastructure, perfection of stove design,
IAP monitoring, market research, part of the KPT costs, and design of business development processes to support the commercialization of the product.
Project won an award for the effort in stove design and improvement at the 3rd Biennial PCIA Workshop in Bangalore, India, March 2007.

Successful IAP monitoring was done according to CEIHD monitoring protocols (Preliminary data shows that UGASTOVE’swood burning stove reduces CO by 54% and PM 2.5by 49%)

KPT successfully done in 2006, follow up in 2007 (Field tests show that the stoves reduce the consumption of fuel by 38-58% compared to traditional stoves).

Lab GHG emissions tests carried out at UCB, enabled the drafting of the PDD based on the scientific data gathered during the said surveys.

Carbon credit program was launched in February 2005 at UC Berkeley, with the intention of registering the credits on the Gold Standard for VER.

In March 2007, the first consultative meeting was held in Kampala as required for the Gold Standard projects

In partnership with CEIHD, a monitoring plan was drafted and forwarded for approval on the Gold Standard.

See attached.

See also:

THE GOLD STANDARD:Project Design Document for Gold Standard Voluntary Offset projects 12-05-08.

Project Design Document for Gold Standard Voluntary Offset projects, July 2007

More Ugandans making environmentally-friendly decisions. Touch FM

Fuel Briquette Burning at Stoves Camp 2008
Rok Oblak, August 31, 2008
Briquette Burning StoveBriquette Burning Stove

Stove DiagramStove Diagram

This prototype was to check the hole of the briquette and how gasification can do a nice job. As said, starting the fire with few small sticks and then after preheating the chamber, briquettes ignite by themselves and burn throughly. You can help flames with having a stick in the hole while burning. I really liked how the briquette retained its shape after it burned out, so you could still push the next one it without preventing the draft..

But the briquette burned with the surface lit from the combustion chamber, as Larry predicted. You could literally walk away of the stove with the consistent flame going on all the time (I guess the briquettes were good quality :) The air inflow was only through the hole of the briquette.

Funny was, that even when one briquette burned out, the next one ignited and the airflow continued through the hole of the first briquette.

Mdula: A DIY Mud Cooking Stove
Rok Oblak, August 2008


Mdula or Modular Mbaula (stove) is a design project aiming to simplify the construction of an efficient household mud cooking stove for extreme rural areas. It is based on a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) construction techique using a simple wooden mold.

Rok Oblak has started a blog on the development of the Mdula at:

HEDON newsletter (28/08/2008)
Raffaella Bellanca [raffaella@ecoharmony.com], Household Energy Network

Welcome to the email newsletter of the HEDON Household Energy Network.

Envirofit and BP Stoves
Tom Reed, www.woodgas.com, August 29, 2008
Envirofit and BP StovesEnvirofit and BP Stoves

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Thomas Reed wrote:
Dear Stovers:

I am attaching [the image above]that may be of interest to the stovers.

Here is an unsolicited commentary on our new XL WoodGas Stove, available at

Woodgas stoveWoodgas stove
along with our gasification books.

We have recently learned that BP is manufacturing a VERY similar stove
and selling them (only in India) in their equivalent of Walmart. I hear
they have already sold 100,000. Sounds like we are well on the way to
getting a "Billion Improved Stoves" out to the developing world.

If you cover the combustion air holes with aluminum flashing or sheet
metal screws the stove also makes a good gasifier.




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