Carbon Credit Monitoring
David Mukisa, Uganda Stove Manufacturers Limited (Ugastove), November 2007
PCIA Africa Regional Workshop, Pretoria, Oct--Nov 2007
•Uganda Stove Manufacturers Ltd (UGASTOVE) was until recently called UCODEA, short for Urban Community Development Agencies.
•It is a progressive improved stove business based in Kampala, Uganda, producing and selling both household and institutional stoves
•Name was changed to ease recognition and distinction as we look forward to branding/ patenting.
The stove project benefited from a US EPA grant in 2004-2006, which funded the construction of production infrastructure, perfection of stove design,
IAP monitoring, market research, part of the KPT costs, and design of business development processes to support the commercialization of the product.
Project won an award for the effort in stove design and improvement at the 3rd Biennial PCIA Workshop in Bangalore, India, March 2007.
Successful IAP monitoring was done according to CEIHD monitoring protocols (Preliminary data shows that UGASTOVE’swood burning stove reduces CO by 54% and PM 2.5by 49%)
KPT successfully done in 2006, follow up in 2007 (Field tests show that the stoves reduce the consumption of fuel by 38-58% compared to traditional stoves).
Lab GHG emissions tests carried out at UCB, enabled the drafting of the PDD based on the scientific data gathered during the said surveys.
Carbon credit program was launched in February 2005 at UC Berkeley, with the intention of registering the credits on the Gold Standard for VER.
In March 2007, the first consultative meeting was held in Kampala as required for the Gold Standard projects
In partnership with CEIHD, a monitoring plan was drafted and forwarded for approval on the Gold Standard.
See attached.
See also:
THE GOLD STANDARD:Project Design Document for Gold Standard Voluntary Offset projects 12-05-08.
Project Design Document for Gold Standard Voluntary Offset projects, July 2007
More Ugandans making environmentally-friendly decisions. Touch FM
14 March, 2008
The manufacturers of the locally made energy-efficient cooking stoves, Ugastove, have told an international environmental conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, that an increasing number of Ugandans are buying their product out of a conscious decision to cut air pollution and save forests.
Charcoal stoves, locally known as ‘sigiri’, are used by about 80 percent of households and businesses in Uganda. David Mukisa, project director for Ugastove, said his stoves are more efficient, cutting emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by 30 percent.
He explained that the stoves improve air quality inside homes and, by being more efficient, cut the strain on Ugandan forests which is considered critical to stabilizing Africa's already arid climate.
Mukisa said that in the past 50 years Uganda has lost half its forests to deforestation, much due to charcoal production.
Charcoal, made from ten times its weight in wood, comes from chopping down forests which are not subsequently replanted.
In addition, the kilns used to produce charcoal release large quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas about 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
Ugastove opened its factory in 2005 and now employs more than 50 people. The company's target is to sell 30,000 stoves annually over seven years from 2007, which would cut carbon dioxide emissions by around 74,000 tonnes per year.
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