Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

Improving the $1 Stove

It is clear from the recent New Yorker Article and the PBS Special that we are all impressed with the improved $20, $40, and $60 stoves. But these stoves are probably in the minority as far as fabrication or adoption. We should also be improving the $1 stove. Crispin presented some improvements to the low cost charcoal stoves at ETHOS a couple of years ago. Dean focused the ETHOS Stoves Camp on "refugee stoves" about the same time.

Laurens Rademakers, Biochar Fund
December, 2009

See the attachment for full sized pictures.

we've designed a new biomass stove that produces char. The stove is a simple hybrid of a rocket stove and a retort. We would be glad if you could upload it to the stoves list, because we want to see what the community thinks of it. It is only a concept, even though we've tested some basic design steps.

We will be testing this design at our large biochar site in Congo, where our project soon kicks off.

Michael Benedict, December, 2009

Toyola Energy Limited has been making efficient charcoal burning stoves, and selling theme in markets and door-to-door by Toyola “evangelists”, individuals who record each sale in a notebook and then are paid on commission. With 50,000 stoves projected to be sold this year and double that possible in 2010, the paper records are becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. Over the past six months Michael has been working with Toyola and E+Co, a US-based non-profit investment company investing in Toyola, to develop an SMS-based recordkeeping system for their stove sales.

Read the full article at http://thebenedict.wordpress.com

This is a fairly high res picture of the clay stoves, mostly for burning charcoal at the Asian Institute of Technology.

What is remarkable is now poor the thermal efficiency is for all of them. It should be 40% for a decent charcoal stove so I am wondering how they measured them.

It is probably worth putting them on the website as group though I don't know how you would categorize the pic.

George Riegg, Greenie © For a Greenie-er Happier, Healthier Gambia
November, 2009

It's been just over a year now that you first kindly posted my "Greenie" concept paper. (Introducing Greenie )

Well, sometimes good things take their time especially if you have to work with very limited resources. But believe and perseverance finally have paid off !!!! :o)

With a local teachers association as lead agency and me acting as project developer and manager we have been awarded a small grant of US$ 10,000 under the UNDP GEF SGP to run a trial of our Greenie book dissemination initiative
- the little thing has been turned from a product into a teaching aid !

"This project has been conceptualised by the Artist and the Project Developer. To build the framework and implementation structure many local partners have contributed in the hope and believe that this way of dissemination and awareness building will make a real long lasting impact at every level of the community.


At a project cost of US$ 2.00 per book 5,000 young children, their families and their communities can be reached. When implemented with care and skill it will help to improve many aspects of their way of life and their understanding and interaction with their environment."

World Stove Corp, Italy
October, 2009

LuciaStove for Developing Nations
Lucia StoveLucia Stove

PCIA Bulletin, October 2009
(See the attached pdf file for the complete bulletin)

This issue's introduction was written by
Guest Editor Nordica McCarty, Laboratory
Manager at Aprovecho Research Center.

Mabaga Charcoal and Maliyab Fuelwood Stoves
Approtech Asia, Philippines

Approtech offers the Philippine versions of the Cambodia New Lao Bucket (Mabaga Kalan) cahrcaol stove and the Sri Lankan Anagi (Maliyab) fuelwood Stoves. The new Lao Bucket was developed by GERES-Cambodia and is approved for carbon credit projects. See brochure attached.


Geres video -


and Approtech


on you tube:

Using a TLUD for Pasteurization at the Paramount Dairy in Uganda
John and Charles Anglin, Uganda, October 19, 2009
Pasteurization of 450Lts Milk Complete after 1.5hrs
Pasteurization of 450Lts Milk Complete after 1.5hrs

John and Charles Anglin have built an institutional / industrial size TLUD for pasteurization at their Paramount Dairy in Uganda. Their 2-page report with 4 photos describes and shows the TLUD and the 450 liter milk-vat. The fuel is papyrus reeds. This report is about a "work-in-progress," and they have given permission to post it to the Stoves Website. The Anglin's can be reached via the Stoves Listserv.

Courtesy of Paul Anderson

I’ve been following a couple of different groups and discussions to learn about biochar for about 6 months. Id like to share what I’ve been learning and ask a couple of questions.

My purpose is to use biochar as a component in biological soil synthesis and buffer for use in a vaquaculture growing system.

I have been making small TLUD stoves, observing modeling tweaking making another.


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