Improving Health with Improved Cooking Stoves

Improving biomass cooking stoves is a powerful positive health intervention, especially in households that include children. Enclosing stoves prevents skirt fires, and burns that can be deadly or permanently disfiguring. Reducing emissions in cooking stoves, keeps those particles from building up in the lungs of babies, children and other family members, and improves survival rates from pneumonia, influenza, and other infections.

World Food Program sets out to start the save stoves initiative. The initiative is focused on refugees and other poor women, and highlights the need for stoves to reduce time spent gathering firewood.

Initiative highlights:
"WFP’s Safe Access to Firewood and Alternative Energy in Humanitarian Settings (SAFE) project will scale up distribution of fuel-efficient and “improved mud” stoves to assist almost 100,000 women in North Darfur. These stoves consume less firewood and lower health risks associated with smoke."

"In Uganda, WFP will focus on refugees and pastoralists in the drought-hit Karamoja region. It will provide more than 35,000 households and 50 schools with fuel-efficient stoves, as well as helping women to find other sources of income."

Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air pollution and adverse health effects among Honduran women
Stuart Conway, Trees, Water and People August 5, 2009

Maggie L. Clark, Jennifer L. Peel, James B. Burch, Tracy L. Nelson,
Matthew M. Robinson, Stuart Conway, Annette M. Bachand and
Stephen J. Reynolds


Dear Colleagues:

The Environmental Health at USAID knowledge management activity has started a news feed on indoor air pollution at: and below are titles of recent posts to the news feed.

- Mexico - Quantification of carbon savings from improved biomass cookstove projects
- South Africa: Arivi Paraffin Stove - Finalist in 2009 INDEX Awards
- Guatemala - Personal child and mother carbon monoxide exposures and kitchen levels
- US to fund $600 million clean energy projects in Asia
- DRC - Mercy Corps stove project
- Bangladesh - Indoor air pollution 4th leading risk factor for diseases
- ADB - New partnership aims to expand access to modern energy to 100m people by 2015
- India - World Bank shows interest in alcohol stove
- Kamapla firm wins environmental award for non-char biomass briquettes

We welcome news about your projects, research and publications as well as suggestions and comments.

Best regards,

Dan Campbell, Web Manager
Environmental Health at USAID
1611 North Kent St., Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22209
Ph: 703-247-8722
Environmental Health at USAID: IRC/USAID Sanitation Updates:
Urban Health Updates:
Cholera Google Group:
Household Water Treatment Google Group:

Urban Justa Stove Building Workshop in San Francisco
Charlie Sellers, July 29, 2008

Sebastian Africano was just through the SF Bay area, building stoves on his way to Stove Camp, and I added this post on his workshop to my evolving IAP site:

La primera causa de consulta médica son las enfermedades respiratorias, de las cuales se conoce poco, pero generan alta morbimortalidad. Sólo el enfisema pulmonar es la cuarta causa mundial de muerte y, aunque ya es un grave problema de salud pública, representa apenas el inicio de una epidemia de padecimientos asociados a la exposición a contaminantes como el humo del tabaco, advirtió Rogelio Pérez Padilla, director general del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER).

Recién llegado al cargo, el neumólogo planteó como una deficiencia del sistema nacional de salud y de los especialistas en enfermedades respiratorias, en particular, el desconocimiento de la población respecto de estas afecciones. Por eso, dijo, el presupuesto para esta área médica es insuficiente; lo mismo ocurre con los profesionales de la salud dedicados a la prevención, diagnóstico y control de los padecimientos respiratorios.

El pasado 1º de julio, Pérez Padilla asumió la dirección del INER, cargo para el que resultó electo luego del proceso de consulta y auscultación efectuado por la junta de gobierno del instituto. El funcionario es investigador nacional, autor de libros, de artículos en revistas científicas y director de tesis de especialidad, maestría y doctorado.

–¿Qué se debe hacer con el INER?

–Sobre todo acelerar su desarrollo. Aunque existe desde 1936 como hospital para enfermos de tuberculosis, los cambios más importantes han sido a partir de 1982, cuando se convirtió en instituto. Es el principal centro de enseñanza de enfermedades respiratorias de México y Centroamérica, y todavía debemos elevar el nivel del entrenamiento de especialista a estándares internacionales.

–¿Qué tan importantes son las enfermedades respiratorias?

The Green Pail Retained Heat Cooker
Lanny Henson, June 7, 2008
Green Pail CookerGreen Pail Cooker

“How-To Designs” and Lanny Henson presents,
The “Green Pail”/“Hot Bucket” Retained Heat Cooker.
April 20, 2008

Delta State Pilot Study Final Report, Selected Photos (attached pdf)

Jim Murren, Project Gaia, April 2008

Providing Users’ Responses to the Methanol-fueled CleanCook Stove during Project Gaia’s 2007 Pilot Study in Delta State, Nigeria

User Feedback - Clean Cook StoveUser Feedback - Clean Cook Stove

Cooking the Planet: Are biomass stoves in the developing world affecting climate change?
Jeremey Roth, Aprovecho, January 2008


Televisa: Impact of HELPS Stove Program in Guatemala
Michelle Hollaender, Helps, International, January 2008

As you may have heard, a Mexican crew of three reporters from TELEVISA spent a week in Guatemala filming the positive impact that HELPS Programs has had in the lives of so many people.

The four day series will air Monday February 4th early in the morning in Mexico City.
