For those of you interested in the ARTI biogas system, please have a look at our new report on "Anaerobic Digestion of Canteen Waste at a Secondary School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania".
India has recently launched the National Biomass Cookstoves Initiative (NCI) to develop next-generation cleaner biomass cookstoves and deploy them to all Indian households that currently use traditional cookstoves. The initiative has set itself the lofty aimof providing energy service comparable to clean sources such as LPG but using the same solid biomass fuels commonly used today. Such a clean energy option for the estimated 160 million Indian households nowcooking with inefficient and polluting biomass and coal cookstoves could yield enormous gains in health and welfare for the weakest and most vulnerable sections of society. At the same time, cleaner household cooking energy through substitution by advanced-combustion biomass stoves (or other options such as clean fuels) can nearly eliminate the several important products of incomplete combustion that come from today's practices and are important outdoor and greenhouse pollutants. Using national surveys, published literature and assessments, and measurements of cookstove performance solely from India, we find that about 570,000 premature deaths in poor women and children and over 4% of India's estimated greenhouse emissions could be avoided if such an initiative were in place today. These avoided emissions currently would be worth more than US$1 billion on the international carbon market. In addition, about one-third of India's black carbon emissions can be reduced alongwith a range of other health- and climate-active pollutants that affect regional air quality and climate. Although current advanced biomass stoves show substantial emissions reductions over traditional stoves, there is still additional improvement needed to reach LPG-like emission levels.We recognize that the technology development and deployment challenges tomeetNCI goals of this scale are formidable and a forthcoming companion paper focuses on what programdesign elements might best be able to overcome these challenges.
From the Charcoal Project article:
"Mulcahy is the founder of WorldStove, a small Italy and U.S.-based company that manufactures a range of energy efficient, biomass-burning cookstoves. The company operates two business lines. One sells pricey cookstoves and barbeque grills for the outdoor/camping crowd in industrialized societies. The other line of stoves, the research of which is funded by the former, helps bring energy efficient cookstoves and locally owned businesses that produce them, to the oceans of energy poor people around the world who don’t have access to modern fuels like LPG and electricity.
"Mulcahy has recently returned from Haiti where he spent two months setting the foundations for a sustained long-term plan to alleviate the country’s heavy dependence on the inefficient combustion of the wood and charcoal. President Bill Clinton, the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, highlighted WorldStove’s remarkable and quick work in Haiti in a recent Earth Day address."
Trees Water and People has been working with the Dr. Jennifer Peel of the Colorado State University School of Public Health on a longitudinal study of improved cooking stoves in Granada, Nicaragua.
There is a nice article describing this on the Colorado School of Public Health web site, read The Killer in the kitchen
Mandanadose un reporte algo grande, pero de interes sobre el trabajo que hice Rogerio y Winrock introduciendo una estufa tipo Justa pero modificado para Peru, la Inkawasi
This is one of the graphics created in a handbook for new stove users to illustrate how to use the stove effectively and how to maintain it. The report found that there was a lot of pride in stove ownership, and with a lot of training the people using it learned how to maintain a smoke free indoor cooking environment.