May 2010

Jock Gill, May 2010

With one can: I can make a stove I can cook a meal I can make biochar I can be carbon negative I can start to change the world

This iCan is made from a 7" tall pineapple juice canThis iCan is made from a 7" tall pineapple juice can

I took a 7" tall pineapple juice can, removed the contents, and then marked it thusly:

1. A line around the can 1/3 from the bottom --- this is the top of the fuel load

2. A line around the can 1/3 from the top -- this is the line for the secondary air holes

The middle section is for the wood gas buffer to insure pyrolysis, not combustion.


Primary air supply for a 7" tall pineapple juice canPrimary air supply for a 7" tall pineapple juice can

Marked the bottom of the can off into 8 equal sections. I then used a nail set to make 8 equally spaced holes about half way between the outside of the can and its center. I made a 9th hole in the center. Not too big -- about 1/2 way down the small nail set shaft.

Then I used the line1/3 down from the top to locate the secondary air holes.
I made 8 equally spaced holes with the small nail punch and then used the the biggest punch to enlarge the holes to the full width of its shaft.

At this point I removed the top of the can completely. I left it on for the best structural integrity while I was punching holes.

Done. The All-in-One TLUD is complete. Very simple. Just 17 holes in the right places in one can.

More pictures, are also available at:
and click here for more story details:


DONALD KEVILUS has uploaded a video of his . well, I guess I can call it a titanium micro-Vesto. It is too small to be a 'mini'!

There is a video of Don at

Quenching water flowing out of iCan.


Quenching iCan in a bucket of water


Removing the top outer can at end of run. Gloves are optional.


Can flame pattern. 4 sets of three holes for secondary air.
The sun is shining into the iCan on the left.

The flame pattern is sensitive to changes in the wind. Gusts blowing over the top
of the cans can introduce air well into the wood gas zone.

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Two large cans, acting as draft protectors, with the iCan TLUD inside.
Not much to see.


This iCan is made from a 7" tall pineapple juice can. The lines mark off a bottom third for fuel, a middle third for the wood gas zone, and a top third for the combustion of the wood gas. Fuel load turns out to be just one pint of wood pellets.

Primary air supply for a 7" tall pineapple juice can made into an iCan TLUD


This iCan is made from a 7" tall pineapple juice can

The secondary air holes are a tight fit for a #2 pencil. Note the use of a grill gripper to handle the hot metal.
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