Dean Still, May 2010
Hi Stovers!
As Paul says
Stove Camp is July 26-30 here at Aprovecho Research Center
next to the river in beautiful Cottage Grove, Oregon.
StrawJet, another Oregon organization, makes sticks from agricultural waste and has a project in Malawi. They have doubled this year's prize money (now $500!!) for the stove best able to burn sticks made from corn stalks, leaves. As usual, participants will vote for the winning stove. Last year Paal Wendelbo won the top prize for his remarkable PekoPe.
We have been experimenting this year with TLUDs made by Paul Anderson, Paal Wendelbo, Art Donnally, Christa Roth with great results. These folks have been teaching us about TLUDs. We now have TLUDs in the lab that make almost no smoke at start up and end of burn, are about as clean as propane for PM, and are adjustable from low to high power. What amazing stoves...
I hope that we can make further progress at Stove Camp where the best TLUDers in the world will teach classes and Aprovecho will help tune the stoves for lowest CO, PM under the hood. Great coffee and donuts in the mornings, camp out under the stars, cook with TLUDs, Rockets, etc. Help switch the world to cleanly burned, renewable biomass.
Reserve a spot by calling the lab at 541 767 0287.
All Best,
Dean (Still)/Nike_7_1