
Institutional Stoves in Southern Africa: Malawi Report 2005, Peter Scott, Aprovecho for GTZ/Probec North, October 2005. Includes many rocket plans and guides such as: 200L Brick Stove Plans, Design Guides, Quality Control Guide (xls), Institutional User Guide.

Construction of the Institutional Rocket Stove at Mahlanya - fuel magazine and combustion chamber Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, New Dawn Engineering, Swaziland, November 2005 (Animated GIF)

Dislocated Elbow Rocket Stove, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, New Dawn Engineering, Swaziland, November 2005

Libhubesi - The Lion Stove, Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, New Dawn Engineering, Swaziland, November 2005

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, New Dawn Engineering, Swaziland, March 2006

Crispin provides new images of the Libhubesi, the Lion stove, showing completion of construction.

Institutional Rocket Stove, Larry Winiarsky, Aprovecho Research Center, February 2006


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