
Envirofit and BP Stoves
Tom Reed,, August 29, 2008
Envirofit and BP StovesEnvirofit and BP Stoves

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Thomas Reed wrote:
Dear Stovers:

I am attaching [the image above]that may be of interest to the stovers.

Here is an unsolicited commentary on our new XL WoodGas Stove, available at
Woodgas stoveWoodgas stove
along with our gasification books.

We have recently learned that BP is manufacturing a VERY similar stove
and selling them (only in India) in their equivalent of Walmart. I hear
they have already sold 100,000. Sounds like we are well on the way to
getting a "Billion Improved Stoves" out to the developing world.

If you cover the combustion air holes with aluminum flashing or sheet
metal screws the stove also makes a good gasifier.



As the United States biomass thermal and power industry continues to expand, new reliable technologies offering higher efficiency solutions must be introduced. The newly introduced EOS series biomass gasification boiler is among the most energy efficient of AESI’s high-performance, low-maintenance biomass energy plants. The EOS series provides thermal outputs ranging from 600,000 BTU/hr to 20 million BTU/hr, and can be staged to provide increased capacity.

Designed and built by the leaders in the biomass waste to energy market in Europe, Uniconfort, the EOS series builds upon over 50 years of experience and over 4000 successful installations throughout the world. When asked about the highly efficient EOS series, CEO of Uniconfort Davis Zinetti notes, “we must not forget that greater efficiency is associated with less CO2 production. Choosing EOS, therefore, means making a choice in favor of the environment.”


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