Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

Kevin Chisholm, December 2005

Dear All,

Would you think it would be helpful if the Stoves List posed a "General Specification" for stoves?

What is the maximum cost of the stove delivered to the "Customer", in $US equivalent?
What is the maximum allowable cost for installation?

Boiling water? Stewing? Frying? Baking?

Martin Boll, Germany, November 2005

To all,

interested in blow and draft.

I found a website you possibly don't know. I like to call this stoves

principle: "natural blow by natural draft"

Have a look to the page. It's in French, but there are pictures, simply to understand.


EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV)

The Gyapa stove is a stove that EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV) brought to Ghana with the help of the Shell Foundation and USAID.

Richard Boyt, June 2005

The following material is the sixth part of a seven-part condensation from the booklet “Practical Tips for Potters, Making Improved Cooking Stoves”.

Prepared by Tim Jones, illustrated by Debbie Riviere, published by Hofman Systems Engineering b.v., PO Box 624, 3100 AP Schiedam, The Netherlands (1993)

Richard Boyt, June 2005

The following material is the fifth part of a seven-part condensation from the booklet "Practical Tips for Potters, Making Improved Cooking Stoves",

Prepared by Tim Jones, illustrated by Debbie Riviere, published by Hofman Systems Engineering b.v., PO Box 624, 3100 AP Schiedam, The Netherlands (1993)

Dale Andreatta dandreatta@SEAlimited.com November 14, 2004, Updated January 17, 2005

Executive Summary

SP.721 (D-Lab) Fall 2004 Session #35 notes
The Better World Workshop
Guest speaker: Carl Bielenberg

One of the original inventors of the hammer mill project, for which Amy developed significant enhancements.

See the original story in PDF:

Juan Carlos Guzmán, Proleña Bolivia, July 7, 2004

News from the alliance "Energy for the People" launched by Energética and ProLeña - Bolivia

hree Simple design for Demonstrating the Conversion of Woody Materials Into Gaseous, Liquid, and Solid Fuels

Richard Boyt, November 2003

Dear Stovers & Gassifiers

The results of a search of the scholarly literature on Hayboxes/Haybags compiled by Student Brandy Wilken for Professor Paul S. Anderson psanders@ilstu.edu



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