Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

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ETHOS 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA Jan 26-28, 2007

Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, Larry Winiarski and Charlie Sellers Test Tom Reed's Woodgas Stove with a Combustion Analyzer.

ETHOS 2007 in Seattle was a stimulating and inspiring event. Many thanks to the ETHOS executive committe for organizing it and to the 120 attendees, some who dragged stoves on airplanes to the event. There were many high points during three (for some four) days of meetings which I am sure will be discussed in these forums and on the web for weeks to come. To list a few:

Charcoal Stove Concept From Marshall Islands
Michael N Trevor, Ememanit, January 24, 2007

Overall Stove
Overall Stove

Select image to Enlarge

Small-Scale Carbon Briquetting in China
Tim Anderson, June 2005 courtesy fo Jim Mason, January 24, 2007

Fotos - Capacitacion de Microempresarios Productores de Briquetas Cusco Peru
Richard Stanley, Legacy Foundation, Cusco, Peru, 2000

Equipo de Compactación en la que se elabora las briquetas.
Seleccione la foto para ampliarlo.

Cohune Charcoal
Peter Singfield, Belize, January 4-5, 2007

Cohune Charcoal
Cohune Charcoal

La Estufa Lorena - INCAP
Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama, Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS)
centro de Aprendizaje e Intercambio del Saber en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional del INCAP (CAIS/INCAP)Manual 11 2006

Computing Moisture Content of Wood, Woodbin, Woodworking Software. http://www.woodbin.com

The moisture content of wood is directly related to the humidity and temperature of the surrounding air. The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) occurs when the wood has reached an equilibrium with its environment and is no longer gaining or losing moisture. Here is a calculator for computing the EMC of wood at or below the fiber saturation point (about 30% moisture content) given the temperature and relative humidity.

Emissions from Residential Wood Combustion: Effect of Moisture on Emissions (1.3 MB pdf)
Fernando Preto, Canmet Energy Technology Center (Canada), Paris, October 21, 2005

Water Heater to Prototype Small Charcoal Retort.
Mark A. Gallmeier December 10, 2006

Water Heater Tank - Charcoal RetortWater Heater Tank - Charcoal Retort



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