Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

Assessing Cook Stove Performance: Field and Lab Studies of Three Rocket Stoves Comparing the Open Fire and Traditional Stoves in Tamil Nadu, India on Measures of Time to Cook, Fuel Use, Total Emissions, and Indoor Air Pollution
Nordica MacCarty, Dean Still, Damon Ogle, Thomas Drouin, Aprovecho Research Center, January 2008

Stover Source Stove Store
Aprovecho Research Center, April 35, 2008

Delta State Pilot Study Final Report, Selected Photos (attached pdf)

Jim Murren, Project Gaia, April 2008

Providing Users’ Responses to the Methanol-fueled CleanCook Stove during Project Gaia’s 2007 Pilot Study in Delta State, Nigeria

User Feedback - Clean Cook StoveUser Feedback - Clean Cook Stove

Design Principles for a Retained Heat Cooker
Dean Still, Aprovecho Research Center, April 20, 2008

1.) Air exchanges are more important than insulation

Improved Cooking Stoves in Bangladesh
April 20, 2008

Following are some links to improved cooking stoves in Bangladesh.

Wood Pellet Camping ad Biofuel Stove
Deris Jeneatte, Cleardome Solar, april 2008

Here's a stove and solar appliances for the camping set. Some concepts may apply to cooking stoves.

Testing Results of the Ecocina Cooking Stove from El Salvador
Nordica MacCarty, Aprovecho Research Center, March 5, 2008
Nancy Hughes, Stove Team International, April 5, 2008
La Disminuicion de las Emanaciones de HumoLa Disminuicion de las Emanaciones de Humo

AIDG Rocket Box
Catherine Laine, Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group, January 22, 2008
AIDG Rocket BoxAIDG Rocket Box

LPG Kisra Plate Sudan
Ahmed Hood, April 1, 2008

LPG Kisra PlateLPG Kisra Plate


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