April 2007

PCIA Bulletin 11: Humanitarian Assistance, April 2007
Elisa Derby, Lutfiyah Ahmed, Partnership for Clean Indoor Air

Dear Partners,

We have published the 11th issue of the PCIA Bulletin!

Performance of Steam Injected Stoves
Alexis Belonio, Central Philippines University, April 4, 2007

[img_assist|nid=1579|title=Comparison of Steam Injected Stove Technology|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=600|height=451]

HUAMANZAÑA, PERU: Phase II Assessment and Plan for Future Projects
Shannon M. Brink, EWB–PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton, NJ March 2007
Trip: 27 December 2006 –10 January 2007
[img_assist|nid=1576|title=EWBP 1|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=200|height=150]
I am member of a student chapter of Engineers Without Borders. We have built two Inkawasi stoves with somewhat disappointing results. (We are still not achieving complete combustion, the sunken pot chambers are problematic for accommodating a variety of cooking utensils, and the smoke escapes from the gap around the pot skirts.) The engineers on the team are discouraged and have given up on the rocket elbow stove design. Though I'm not an engineer, I am skeptical that the stoves were built according to specifications (one was tiny, the other huge); outside engineers who have experience with similar stoves have suggested that our combustion chamber (which was short‹only a little more than 12") was too short.

As seen at ETHOS 2007, we have put together a step be step video on how to build Damon Ogle's design of an Institutional Barrel Stove. The stove is constructed from 200L barrels.

The stove was able to bring 45L of water to boil in 37 minutes using only 2150g of wood.

In a Controlled Cooking Test the Institutional Barrel Stove used 73% less fuel than an open fire!!

The video is available in multiple part downloads here on our website www.aprovecho.org

The video is also available on DVD for $10 + Shipping.

[img_assist|nid=1570|title=DVD Cover|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=186|height=200]

"I am very pleased to inform you that we are completing the fifth year of establishment of our non-profit organization, Foundation for Sustainable Technologies (FoST) in April 2007. I would like to share our efforts, on this occasion, with a documentary (DVD) film with you recently released by Gorp Productions in Spain for fund raising to support our program in Nepal. Please visit http://www.gorpproductions.com/fostvideo.html or type "Fost Nepal" in GOOGLE VIDEO to view the film."

Inventory of Wood Used in Charcoal Production in Zambia
USAID 1992sneakers
