Our site is dedicated to helping people develop better stoves for cooking with biomass fuels in developing regions.

For additional detail and information, join the Cooking Stoves Mailing List, browse the archives, read about current projects and ask other cooking stove builders, designers, and organizations disseminating improved stoves around the world.

Darfur Humanitarian Stove Project Assessment Report
Daniel Wolf and Mathew Langol
Aprovecho Research Centre and International Lifeline Fund January 2006

Testing of the CleanCook Stove in Refugee Camps in Ethiopia
Melat Esayas, Gaia Association January 2006

Micro Enterprise Stove Project in Honduras Protecting the Environment and Family Health
Stuart Conway, Trees, Water and People January 2006

Trees, Water & People
Honduran Association for Development
Aprovecho Research Center

Rescooking.co.za is a site for Radical Energy Saving cooking appliances. According to GTZ-HERA more than 4000 solar cookers were sold in South Afrrica over a three year period.

Rescooking also sells the Hotbag brand of retained heat cookers and Vesto high efficiency stoves. Saldos - Entrega gratuita

The Electric EcoFogao
Dan Mastbergen, Dr. Bryan Willson, Sachin Joshi, Colorado State University January 2006

Integrated Patsari Stove Monitoring Program
Omar Masera, GIRA, Cynthia Armendariz CIECO January 2006

High Volume Production of Clean Cook Stoves for Honduras
Bryan Willson and Peter Letvin, Colorado State University Global Innovation Center for Energy, Environment and Health January 2006

Stove Emissions Testing Planned By the USEPA

Jim Jetter USA EPA

Presented to the ETHOS 2006 Conference, Seattle, January 2006

Field Validation of the UCB Particle Monitor

Zohir Chowdhury*1,2, Eduardo Castro*3, Jessica Higashiyama*1,2,


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