February 2007

From Richard Stanley Legacy Foundation to Steve Amodio in Burkina Faso on Presses December 14, 2006
Subject: response to your report on Burkina Faso...

This is in response to your email sent earlier, below in which several issues are presented.

Steve: We set out to build three pressed I had designed during our initial month of talks. We were grossly inefficient in 
spending, but we produced three presses to try out in three villages.

Richard:The press you designed is clever. Thought I'd share a few other designs with you too.

1) A hinged base with a miniature ladder arrangement, the rungs of which provide a multi position pivot for the lever, from Mozambique Keith and Alberto of the SPARK association outside Maputo: Shown is Alberto with bqs in hand lever leaning against cylinder. with mini ladder welded on ot top end of cylinder. I think it hinges at base to open for briquette release.
Contact: ketoooo@fastmail.fm

The Poor one press
©Legacy Foundation Sept., 2003

Poor One PressPoor One Press

Is single 12 ft (3.5 meter) long lever and special eject stand. It uses the same mold set as with the mini and maxi
Bryants and like those production presses, the Poor one involved a simple batch fed operation. Unlike the production presses, the Poor One is far easier and cheaper to build. However, the Poor Man is limited to certain blends which are easy dewatered and readily release fibers to form a tight bond under relatively low pressures.
