January 2007

Charcoal Stove Concept From Marshall Islands
Michael N Trevor, Ememanit, January 24, 2007

Overall Stove
Overall Stove

Select image to Enlarge

Small-Scale Carbon Briquetting in China
Tim Anderson, June 2005 courtesy fo Jim Mason, January 24, 2007

Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Stove Performance Guidelines Meeting January 25, 2007
Partnership for clean Indoor Air, U.S. EPA, Region 10, Seattle, WA

Four Discussion Pieces on Setting Air Quality Guidelines
HEI Annual Conference, San Francisco April 9, 2006
Kirk R. Smith, University of California

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New WHO Air Quality Guidelines:
their relevance for setting and implementing ambient AQ standards in Asia

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ETHOS 2007 – Building Foundations for Scale-Up
NGOs, academics, students, technical trainers, and global programs

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Corn Puck
William Carr January 17, 2007

Okay, as I understand it "retting" is the process of breaking down
fuel fibers so you can bind fuel together in pellets or briquettes.

This can be done by sheer mechanical force, or by letting the fuel
fibers decay somewhat. Then the fuel can be compressed into a

Global (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines and PCIA Partners Meetings
PCIA Bulletin #10: Technology, January 2007

PCIA Bulletin 10: Technology, January 2007
Elisa Derby, Lutfiyah Ahmed, Partnership for Clean Indoor Air

Dear Partners,
We have published the 10th issue of the PCIA Bulletin! (See Attached)

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Russian and Ukrainian Manufacturers of Charcoal, Meeting March 14, 2007, St. Peterburg
Dr. Yury Yudkevich, main technologist "Bioenergy LLC"


Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers of charcoal have decided to organize a meeting. This meeting will take place in Petersburg on March, 14. They plan 1. to create association charcoalinger. 2. To develop the common strategy of sales of coal. 3. To study opportunities of a collective output on the foreign markets. Participation of wholesale consumers of charcoal from Europe and others is desirable.
