
Richard Boyt, June 2003

The following material is the second part of a condensation from the booklet "Practical Tips For Potters Making Improved Cooking Stoves. Prepared by Tim Jones, Illustrated by Debbie Riviere. Published by Hofman Systems Engineering b.v., PO Box 642 3100 AP, Schiedam, The Netherlands (1993).


Ron Larson and Richard Boyt, June 2003

Stovers: Richard Boyt and I are having a discussion on making charcoal-making stoves out of clay. Richard has sent me a new paper design below. This note is only on my own progress - which Richard has been kind enough to continue.

Initial Design Concepts:

  1. Wide bottom for stability
  2. Main body, grate, skirt, lid, cast lightweight ceramic.
  3. Preheat and control primary and secondary air.
  4. Remove pot, skirt, skirt top, chimney adapter, chimney for grilling, frying roast, etc.
  5. Fuel holder, chimney and adapter metal(?)

Richard Boyt, May 2003

Hello stovers.

Greetings from Pottershop Hollow in the SW Missouri Ozarks where last week tornadoes did their damndest.
Sunday's blow just missed us by a few miles as did the storms of the rest of the week. Two years ago the
farm got hit by several small tornadoes that uprooted over a thousand of our larger trees.

Practical Tips for Potters Making Improved Cooking Stoves Part 7 -- Drying and Firing the Stove, Richard Boyt, July 2005

Practical Tips for Potters Making Improved Cooking Stoves, Richard Boyt, June, 2003

Richard Boyt, May 2003

Again, greetings from Pottershop Holler (old maps). Much of this was written under a week of tornado watches and warnings, but at this moment the sun is
brilliant and the sky a deep blue even to the horizons.

First, I want to thank the several people who have encouraged me to continue this journey.


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