Aprovecho Launches Stover Source Stove Store

Stover Source Stove Store
Aprovecho Research Center, April 35, 2008

Aprovecho has created “Stover Source Stove Store” as a shopping outlet for Apro stoves and testing equipment.

Their 26 page catalog lists a variety of products and services including:
Household stoves
Institutional stoves
Refractory ceramic combustion chambers
Cast iron stove tops
Cast iron grates
Stick supports
Adjustable pot skirts
Chimney pipes
Testing equipment
Consulting services

Products are listed in Yuan, Euros, India Rupees and USD. (No discounts for container load purchases are indicated. )
Quotes can be obtained via phone or email.

“Delivery: We make your stoves and stove parts to order, so stoves generally ship two to three months after the order is received. It takes about two months for the combustion chambers to be molded, dried, and fired in the kiln. Cast iron and metal parts are usually available to be shipped in about two months.”

You can download several documents (some are also available on the Apro website) such as:
IAP Users Manual
PEMS Users Manual
Rocket Stove Design Principles
Building a rocket Stove Video
