
A Chef from São Paulo, who built a carry on rocket pizza oven, and sell gourmet pizzas on the streets of São Paulo.

And Rogério's Ecostove

For more about the EcoFagoa see Jordan

Rogerio Carneiro de Miranda shared his new video that highlights the features of the Ecofogão in Brazil.

It is is a rocket style stove that uses wood to heat a cast iron griddle and an oven. It is an efficient stove that also includes an chimney, and the option to build it into an attractive and functional kitchen island. They also have an option that heats water (for washing or bathing).

For more information, and pictures, and to buy the stove, see their website:

Honduras Microenterprise Project Stuart Conway, Trees, Water and People, December 2005

Hi Stovers,

Things are really taking off at our Honduras micro-enterprise project with AHDESA. We finally received the $25,000 from Rotary clubs and RI to spend on stove materials and for tools and equipment for the three metal shops - Ricardo Cruz, Marven Cordova, and Mario Nunez - Dona Justa's son. That had been holding back our production. Now, we will be able to produce 40 - 50 stoves/metal shop/month + the stove production from AHDESA's shop. AHDESA has had four TV interviews over the last month, and people are constantly calling or visiting the AHDESA office to look at or buy stoves. Suprisingly, the more expensive EcoHorno (Ecostove with oven) and the EcoTortillera (an EcoStove with a larger griddle) are more popular with the general public than the EcoStove so far. Sending a picture of the EcoStove production at the AHDESA shop/office.

Take care,

Stuart Conway
Trees, Water and People

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