Otto Formo, February, 2010
I just wanted to inform you that last weekend we had a mini "stovecamp" at Paal`s place, where a skilled metal designer from Haiti, now staying in Oslo, and a few people from our organisation, Miombo ( was trained by Paal to make templates and a full size TLUD ND Peko Pe ( 5 litre).
Different Types of Natural Draft TLUD
Me, personaly was testing different types of TLUD`s, from the size of less than one litre, including the "Kampala" model - 3 to 4 litres (1988-90), which I prefer to call it, to the latest one of 5 litre.
Kampala Model Stove
All and everyone was operating perfectly with pellets and I was very impressed by the performance of the small ones too, and especially model "Kampala".
The MUS 15 was also tested and seems to be very promissing and so easy to make!