Jock Gill, May, 2011
Jock has updated his iCan instructions on Flickr:
from Jock's email:
The triplets of triplets in the secondary air supply is a significant improvement.
The 18-12-6 iCan now has much greater total time with a very well behaved flame and an air fuel mixture that is lean to good for most of the run.
There are still several minutes of a too rich mixture that does emit some soot.
Run time on 350 grams was 27:45, most of the smoke was gone within 2 minutes, just two floaters, and the biochar had a good clean nose. This is about as good as I have gotten so far.
Jock Gill
P.O. Box 3
Peacham, VT 05862
Carbon Negative SolutionsNike KD 11
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iCan Modell II