Submitted by Tom Miles on
Materials and Manufacturing Techniques
- Mud
- Mud Stoves, Aprovecho/PCIA April 2005
- Ceramic and Concrete:
- VIDEO: How to build a Rocket Stove (includes making insulative refractory bricks), Jeremy Roth, Aprovechoi Research Center, June 12, 2007
- Durability of Insulating Bricks and Ceramic Stoves, Discussion September 2005
- Report on Baldosa Tiles for HELPS and TW Stoves September 2005
- Ecofogao/Ecostove Brochure, Stuart Conway, Trees Water and People, April 2005
- Practical Tips For Potters Making Improved Cooking Stoves
- Part 1: Forward and Introduction
- Part 2: Finding and Selecting the Clay
- Part 3: Testing the Clay For Cooking Stoves
- Part 4: Materials That Can be Added to Make a Better Mixture
- Part 5 -- Making Up and Testing Mixtures, and Clay Preparation, Richard Boyt, June 2005
- Part 6: Forming Stoves, Richard Boyt, June 2005
- Part 7: Drying and Firing the Stove, Richard Boyt, July 2005
- Ceramic Charcoal Making Cookstove Richard Boyt and Ron Larson June 2003
- Ceramics for Cookstoves
- Part 1: Finding Clay (May 2003)
- Part 2: Testing Unfired (green) Clay(May 2003)
- Part 3a: Test firing local clays- primitive kilns (May 2003)
- Part 3b: Test Firing Local Clays- Re-discovery of a "Natural" Kiln (June 2003)
- Part 4: Drying Formed Clay Shapes (September 2003)
- Part 5a: Making Samples for Testing (August 2003)
- Part 7- Ash/clay-- Modifying, Shaping, and Drying (July 2005)
- Specific Thermal Resistance of Various Materials, Roberto Escardo (May 2003)
- Heat loss from stoves: Thermal properties of insulative bricks Overall heat losses Dale Andreatta (April 2003)
- How to Make a Portable Clay Stove IFPS Malawi/GTZ ProBEC (February 2003)
- How to construct a kiln for clay stove firing Christa Roth, IFPS Malawi (February 2003)
- The Onil Stove, Don Oneal 2005
- Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
- Ceramics, Clay and Insulating Brick
- Making Insulative Clay Combustion Chambers slide show, Dean Still, Aprovecho March 2003
- Using Pumice to Make Lightweight Ceramics in El Salvador Damon Ogle, March 31, 2003
- The Effect of Material Choice on the Combustion Chamber of a Rocket Cooking Stove: Adobe, Common Brick, Vernacular Insulative Ceramic, and Guatemalan Floor Tile (Baldosa) Dean Still and Brad van Appel January 1, 2002
- HELPS Plancha Stove Jutiaupa Mod With Inverted Pyramid Don O'Neal March 2003
- Ron Larson's Questions and Answers March 2003
- Making Baldosa Tiles for HELPS Stoves in Guatemala Don O'Neal Feb 3 2003
- Rocket Stove,, Rusty Shuping, Appropriate Technology Blog February 2006
- Test of (Metal) Materials for Downdraft Grates, Damon Ogle, January 2005
- EcoBarril and Rocket Stoves from Honduras MicroEnterprise Project, Honduras, Stuart Conway, Trees Water and People, January 14 2005
- Installation of Improved Metal Cooking Stoves in the Khumbu Region: Field Visit Report (1 of 3) Sustainable Technology Adaptive Research and Implementation Center, Nepal Sjoerd Nienhuys,SNV-Nepal January 2005 (2 of 3) (3 of 3)
- 3CR12
- Tin cans, tincanium: WINGS The Homemade Stove Archive
Nicaragua Prolena: Ecostove Production