Would anyone out there help turn coffee husks into some useful renewable energy source in Karagwe, Tanzania?

Would anyone out there help turn coffee husks into some useful renewable energy source in Karagwe, Tanzania?
Joseph Sekiku, Eden Centre for Appropriate Technology, Tanzania, August 31, 2007

Heap of Husks on FireHeap of Husks on Fire

(Click on image to enlarge)

Greetings. I am called Joseph Sekiku, working with the Eden Centre for Appropriate Technology (www.ecat-fadeco.org). I am confronted by a desire to find solution to waste that could be turned into useful stuff (energy) here.

Let me explain:

I come from Karagwe district, Kagera region, NW Tanzania. This is a predominantly coffee growing area. Since 4 years ago, with the liberalization of the coffee trade, 6 coffee processing factories have started. Two years ago, two of the factories were destroyed by fire from coffee husks heaped outside the factories. There are now 4 coffee processing factories.

These factories produce a lot of coffee husks (thousands of tons).
Unfortunately, these husks have no commercial value at all. Instead, after the season, they are set on fire. The fire goes on for months.

I believe that these husks can be transformed into some useful energy source - either into electricity or just for cooking. I have been imagining a situation where these coffee husks could be transformed into briquettes, ceiling boards or even mulch for the farms.

Imagine for Karagwe district, there is a very high rate of deforestation- and apparently much of the forest cover is completely no more. Tree cutting continues to today.

I am sending you some pictures about the situation. I have talked to the coffee factory owners : Karagwe marketing Ltd, KDCU Ltd, Amri amir Ltd and another one that I do not have the name off hand now. They have no plan for the thousands of tons of husks from their factories but to set fire on these.

Coffee Factory Burned by a Heap of HusksCoffee Factory Burned by a Heap of Husks

Heap of Husks on fireHeap of Husks on fire

let me know please,

Joseph Sekiku


<p>Hi,</p> <p>I saw this and thought how appropriate to introduce a pilot research project which I participated in as something that be built on. I was a Media researcher on a domestic composting project that revealed potentials for generating not just high quality compost but also useful gas fuels. The domestic composting project used feedstock similar to coffee husks.</p> <p>I would be willing to share a comprehensive diary of the pilot project and its complementary needs and focus like gas analyzer.</p>