March 2012

New video and print resources available at

Contamination of drinking water sources by synthetic organic compounds (SOCs – e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals, fuel compounds, etc.) is a growing worldwide problem. Many of these chemicals bio-accumulate in the human body and cause cancer, birth defects and diseases of the reproductive system, and disrupt endocrine and neurological systems. However, few low-cost, sustainable and appropriate treatment technologies are available to rural and developing communities for SOC removal.

Water filtration using charcoal is an ancient practice that continues today in non-industrialized regions around the world, though it has not yet been rigorously demonstrated for removal of modern industrial pollutants. Unfortunately, charcoal production by traditional kiln systems is often a resource-intensive and highly polluting process, and kiln processes are typically not optimized for production of good water filter char. Low cost, energy efficient, environmentally sustainable and scalable local production of optimal water filter char can be accomplished with biomass gasification (e.g. cookstoves and larger units using the TLUD design).

The video and print resources available on the Aqueous Solutions website ( are intended to

  1. summarize current results of collaborative field and laboratory research pertaining to the use of traditional kiln charcoals and gasifier chars in decentralized water treatment that targets SOCs,
  2. provide instructional materials for construction and operation of small- and intermediate- scale gasifier char production units using local materials, and
  3. provide instructional materials for integration of biochar filtration into a multi-barrier small- and intermediate- scale water treatment systems constructed from inexpensive and widely available materials.

Did you know that more then half of the price of a bag of charcoal in Nairobi is money needed for paying bribes to get illegal bush charcoal to town? Save your money (and Kenya's forests) by making your own charcoal at home using only your own twigs and pruned tree branches. (or timber mill waste)

Umang Maheshwari, Greenway Grameen Infra

The Greenway Smart Stove is an insulated metal stove, that appears to be a rocket style design with bakalite handles and a metal pot rest and fuel rest. You can see more details in the Greenway Smart Stove flyer.

This stove is marketed as an improvement over the mud Chulha, which is familiar in India.

UNEP and the GACC is working with (COAM) the Conservation Organization of the Afghan mountains.

There are a couple of additional pictures of their stoves here:

The pictures show how I use a wax-card-board milk-box as fire-starter.
The idea could be stimulating to use other types of wax-boxes in a similar

- 8 in-cuts into the edges of the milk-box,
- Push-in the in-cuts
- Fill-in with some small wood-spoons (They look heavier in picture, because close to the camera)
- Light on two in-cuts and let burn for a while.
- When the "bridge" between the in-cuts burns, turn that part down and
- Put in that position into the stove upon the logs
- Add some small wood upon the burning milk-box.

So I start my commercial stove (Rink-Kachelthermo) and use it in Top-lit updraft mode.
After the woodgas is burnt, the primary and secondary air-slits are closed.
By the rest of air comming into the stove, where-ever, all charcoal is burnt slowly during hours. Naturally the stove has to be inside really hot, to work like that.

the wood-sticks are split from logs down to about pencil-diameter or little bigger. I let dry my normal (beech-)logs for at least one year. Naturally the small sticks split easier when fresh, but with a good hatchet that is no problem, they only "jump" more aside.
But if a fresh log is cut in pencil-like sticks, one can cut it directly and the pencils are very fast dry. Simplest method to see and use them if they are dry: weigh a handful of fresh cut sticks by a kitchen-scale let the sticks dry in house and test the weight-difference. I suppose they will dry within a short week or less. They loose about half the fresh-weight. -I do that as well with bigger logs to see how they loss weight under roof on the balcony, an mark the weight on the log with date.

I only put the sticks into the prepared box to light the sticks quicker. If you can put them above the laying wax-cardboard-box (without rolling aside, what sticks like to do :-) ) it is not necessary to introduce them into the box.
Certainly you have some other form of wax-cart-board-boxes. Then you must change the in-cut-geometry.
I have not every day a milk-box from one liter, so I am tinkering to pre-warm the kindle-sticks outside the stove before the stove. -If the sticks are pretty pre-warmed, e.g. in a not yet cold oven-box of the stove (few less than 100°C!) one can light them amazingly quick. I think, it can be achieved to light them with a match.

I want to share with you some data abaut solar cookers in europe!
Information from: Solar cooking Atlas ( and ID Cook (

**What is a solar cooker?**

It is not so complicated, a solar cooker, or solar oven is a box which uses the energy of sunlight to cook meal or sterilize. announces the stumpy biochar combination cooker.

Its a tlud its a rocket stove it has many applications and fully customisable.
Simple design utilises waste LPG tanks to provide safe efficent cheap cooking.

Designed and Made in Australia by Biochar Project and Labrador Mens shed.

See the complete story on

Open source free design

Stephen Joseph

Please Read the attached File:
Integrating Vermiculture; Aquaponics and Biochar Production; A zero neutral approach to food production Zapatillas de baloncesto Nik
