April 2008

“How-To Designs” and Lanny Henson presents,
The “Green Pail”/“Hot Bucket” Retained Heat Cooker.
April 20, 2008

Assessing Cook Stove Performance: Field and Lab Studies of Three Rocket Stoves Comparing the Open Fire and Traditional Stoves in Tamil Nadu, India on Measures of Time to Cook, Fuel Use, Total Emissions, and Indoor Air Pollution
Nordica MacCarty, Dean Still, Damon Ogle, Thomas Drouin, Aprovecho Research Center, January 2008

Stover Source Stove Store
Aprovecho Research Center, April 35, 2008

Dean Still, Aprovecho Research Center, April 25, 2008

Dear All,

Stove Camp this year will take place August 4-8 here at the new lab which is on 4 beautiful acres with a nice river on two sides of the property. Folks are invited to camp here near the river! We will cook on wood burning stoves for lunch and dinner and bake tasty bread in a Rocket bread oven. We can have bonfires at night and figure out how to distribute one billion stoves.

Paul Van der Sluis from Philips may be able to attend. Friends in India are trying to buy and send us a BP stove. Can anyone in India assist them? I'll pay costs, shipping, etc.

Pam Baldinger, now in Darfur with USAID, very much supports this year's theme and contest. The team that cooks corn flour using the least fuel, etc. wins the more and more coveted Dr. Kirk Smith Cat Pee Award and $250! The most effective solutions will be sent to Pam.

Let's prove that cooking with wood can be done with very little fuel! It's important! Let's help refugees.

There's room for 25 participants. Book early!

ETHOS Stove Camp costs are:
Instruction/Participation: $100 students $200 others
Camping (5 nights): $25 students $50 others
Five dinners cooked here with wood on Rocket and other stoves: $25



Aprovecho Research Center
Fred's Island
Cottage Grove, Oregon
541 767 0287

Delta State Pilot Study Final Report, Selected Photos (attached pdf)

Jim Murren, Project Gaia, April 2008

Providing Users’ Responses to the Methanol-fueled CleanCook Stove during Project Gaia’s 2007 Pilot Study in Delta State, Nigeria

User Feedback - Clean Cook StoveUser Feedback - Clean Cook Stove
