December 2006

Below you will find an interesting discussion, concerning the drying of fuel,
that was on the gasification list.


Greg Manning wrote:
The Drying Process I use is simple, the sun and an inclined sheet of heavy
wire screen mounted in a large tiltable frame, chips are loaded onto the
screen, screen is inclined, and about 3 hours later, the chips start to
slide, or tumble down (moisture released, they are now lighter in mass, and
slide down),

Low Tech Briquettes - Legacy Foundation
Richard Stanley, Updated December 2006

Video of Legacy Foundation briquette process


[img_assist|nid=1236|title=ITDG-EA pico-hydro project|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=200|height=150]

Looks like a good way to power electric fanned stoves.

"The two schemes have brought electricity for lighting and small appliances such as radios and mobile phones to over 200 families (around 1,500 people). Villagers are very enthusiastic about the schemes, in particular the opportunity they give for children to study in the evening - exam results are said to have improved considerably."




