August 2006

Report on Improved Dung Burning Stove in Tibet
Mike Hatfield, Aprovecho Research Center and GTZ, July 16-August 4, 2006

Tibet Traditional StoveTibet Traditional Stove



Principios de diseño para estufas de cocción con leña
Alianza para Aire Limpio Intradomiciliario (PCIA) 10 julio 2006

La Alianza para Aire Limpio Intradomiciliario (descrito aquí como Alianza o PCIA por sus siglas en inglés, “Partnership for Clean Indoor Air”) fue establecida por la Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente de los Estados Unidos y otros socios principales de la Cumbre Mundial sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible en Johannesburgo

First test of the Maputo Ceramic Stove
Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, New Dawn Engineering, August 20, 2006


Note: click image to enlarge.

Dear Friends

I have completed a test of the first fully formed Maputo Ceramic Stove (MCS) with 3 litres of water and initially a bit more than 300 gm of charcoal. The unit in the pictures is the final version.

The test was done without any skirt or under-tray to improve efficiency, just a pot and lid sitting on a simple stove.

The water boiled in exactly 30 minutes even though the stove body was wet from being washed (oops).

The specific fuel consumption calculated on the basis of water remaining at the time of boiling (good idea) and water remaining at the end of the simmer (something I think is weird) is:

48 gm per litre of water boiled
16.5 gm per litre simmered at 1 degree below the local boiling point for 45 minutes.

This translates into about 324 gm to boil and simmer 5 litres of water, depending on how you calculate it.

The stove was easy to use. I closed the air hole when it boiled and otherwise did not touch anything at any time.

There was more than 140 gm of charcoal left in the stove at the end of the test. This means it had too much in it to begin with. I was unable to get the temperature to drop below almost the boiling point so I think if it was done again with perhaps 200 or 250 gm of fuel it would come out with a better figure.

The stove in the photos will cost about $3 to manufacture profitably. The material is very low thermal expansion PK11 clay mix fired at 1150 degrees. The whole stove weighs 2230 grammes. The material cost about US$0.40. The grate is removable. The two parts can be formed in a manual press like the Ring Maker.


Evaluación de eficiencia de estufas
Víctor Berrueta (DEPFI-UNAM)

Gira Evaluacion

World Bank to revolutionise brick making in India
The Hindu News Update Service July 28, 2006

New Delhi, July 28. (UNI): The World Bank will help Indian companies revolutionise brick making through a novel technology that would make kilns energy efficient and will be manufactured without the use of thermal energy.

Chaussures Homme J.M. Weston
