Ashden Energy Champion Award:
Aprovecho Research Center and Shengzhou Stove Manufacturer, USA/China
Packing Stoves
Making affordable, efficient stoves for the masses
The Aprovecho Research Centre in the US and Shenghou Stove Manufacturers in China have pooled their rich experience and skills to produce a cheap, robust and efficient stove for mass production to developing countries. The stoves replace dirty and polluting kerosene and open fires saving up to 50 percent of fuel wood and reducing 70 percent of dangerous emissions. SSM has sold over 60,000 stoves since 2007, producing them at a rate of 12,000 stoves a month and selling them to distributers. The main customer is Envirofit International, which markets stoves in India supported by the Shell Foundation. Other customers are in South Africa, Tanzania, Madagascar, Argentina and Chile.