
This is a picture of the wet paper fibers after the dewatering. The fibers are still vary wet. From this point there was three methods to produce paper fireballs in the rotating drum/agglomerator. (1) If the moisture was just right the pulp/fibers would break up into fireballs/agglomerations. This was vary hard to do correctly. (2) The next method was to add something dry like sawdust to the fiber/pulp as it was being balled in the agglomerator. I think of this as the opposite of dust agglomerating. When one balls charcoal dust you add the liquid binder to the dusts as it is balling. (3) The last method was the most reliable of the three and that was to simply crumble the pulp into the agglomerator and the agglomerator served simply as a shaper, more or less. {This has been obsoleted by the "rock & roll" method}files/images/mpf6_2.jpeg/Nike_7_1