Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases

Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases, 1st edition May 2003
Prepared by UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP) Chemicals Geneva, Switzerland

A range of dioxin emission values for developed countries is provided in:

6.3.4 Houshold Heating and Cooking With Biomass - Release to Air

"It is important to note that the values reported for clean biomass combustion are consistently one order of magnitude below the values reported for the combustion of contaminated biomass such as treated and/or painted wood. Thus, an average value of 1.5 μg TEQ/t was chosen for clean biomass where as a value of around 25 μg TEQ/t was used for contaminated biomass. Based on an average heating value of 12–15 MJ/kg for wood, default emission factors of about 100 μg TEQ/TJ can be calculated for clean biomass and 1,500 μg TEQ/TJ for contaminated biomass (LUA 1997, IFEU 1998). LUA (1997) gave emission factors of 50 μg TEQ/t for slightly contaminated and 500 μg TEQ/t for highly PCP-treated wood, which would result in emission factors of 3,300 μg TEQ/TJ and 50,000 μg TEQ/TJ, respectively."

μg microgram 10^-6 g
ng nanogram 10^-9 g
pg picogram 10^-12 g

TEQ Toxic Equivalent
TJ Terajoule 10^12 Joule
