The Kitengela Holistic Household Energy Training Center.

Introductory Industrial Attachment Courses focused on upscaling the efficiency and sustainability of the seed-to-ash cycle of biomass based household energy resources in East Africa.

The Need – Energy Conservation

Holistic household energy management is one of the foremost issues facing community livelihoods and their interaction with their environment. Unsustainable harvesting of our rapidly falling forest cover for firewood and charcoal coupled with wasteful methods of utilization, i.e. inefficient three stone fires, earthen charcoal kilns etc. continues to have gross negative impacts on the highly stressed remaining forests.

In our mission of upscaling this cycle, we aim to provide comprehensive training for a ‘green’ renewable domestic fuelwood energy source; the seed-to-ash cycle.

This use of solar energy delivered via the photosynthesis process of woody trees and shrubs has the potential to become one of the prime environmentally friendly sources of renewable energy that does not compromise on biodiversity, socio-economic community dynamics and wildlife habitat. It also provides the typical ecological trickledown effects derived from afforestation such as; water catchment and retention, carbon sequestration, nitrogen fixation (species dependant), bee forage, bird and wildlife habitat, erosion control and a general enhancement of overall land and environmental health and resilience.

The use of high quality improved energy saving stoves is key to enabling the second part of the cycle to take place with maximized efficiencies. These stoves reduce the demand of woodfuels by up to 50% in real life situations. They also have the added benefit of reducing indoor air pollution which is a major cause of incapacitating and sometimes mortal respiratory illnesses. Manufacturing and retailing improved stoves has a vast capacity for creating direct and indirect employment in urban and rural areas and thereby increasing community livelihoods, opening new avenues of technological skills and implementation whilst increasing resilience and adaption to global climate change. Currently the human resource base for these types of activities is entrenched in a strongly informal business model which has the ability to be broadened, maximised and widely applied regionally.

Course Objectives

The overall goal of the Holistic Household Energy Industrial Attachments is to develop and impart to the interns the technical and artisanal skills needed in designing, developing and applying proven wood energy production and conservation management systems and technologies.
Successful interns are capable of starting and running commercially viable wood energy enterprises. They are also eligible for employment by Musaki Enterprises. The wide range of skills taught will enable the interns to be gainfully employed in a dynamic sustainable business model that will help relieve the current pressure natural forest systems which in turn facilitates healthy land practices and custodianship anywhere in East Africa.
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