Black Carbon Emissions Reduction Act of 2009

HR 1760 Black Carbon Emissions Reduction Act of 2009

formerly American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 March 31, 2009, US House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce


See Bill Attached

f) International Black Carbon Mitigation-


(1) REPORT- Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator, in coordination with the Secretary of State and other appropriate Federal agencies, shall transmit a report to Congress on the amount, type, and direction of all present United States financial, technical, and related assistance to foreign countries to reduce, mitigate, and otherwise abate black carbon emissions.


(2) OTHER OPPORTUNITIES- The report required under paragraph (1) shall also identify opportunities and recommendations, including action under existing authorities, to achieve significant black carbon emission reductions in foreign countries through technical assistance or other approaches to--


(A) promote sustainable solutions to bring clean, efficient, safe, and affordable stoves, fuels, or both stoves and fuels to residents of developing countries that are reliant on solid fuels such as wood, dung, charcoal, coal, or crop residues for home cooking and heating, so as to help reduce the public health, environmental, and economic impacts of black carbon emissions from these sources by--


(i) identifying key regions for large-scale demonstration efforts, and key partners in each such region; and


(ii) developing for each such region a large-scale implementation strategy with a goal of collectively reaching 20,000,000 homes over 5 years with interventions that will--


(I) increase stove efficiency by over 50 percent (or such other goal as determined by the Administrator);


(II) reduce emissions of black carbon by over 60 percent (or such other goal as determined by the Administrator); and


(III) reduce the incidence of severe pneumonia in children under 5 years old by over 30 percent (or such other goal as determined by the Administrator);


(B) make technological improvements to diesel engines and provide greater access to fuels that emit less or no black carbon;


(C) reduce unnecessary agricultural or other biomass burning where feasible alternatives exist;


(D) reduce unnecessary fossil fuel burning that produces black carbon where feasible alternatives exist;


(E) reduce other sources of black carbon emissions; and


(F) improve capacity to achieve greater compliance with existing laws to address black carbon emissions.


(g) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this Act.

See also HR 1760 <a href="">Black Carbon Emissions Reduction Act of 2009


Air Jordan