Peko Pe 3 Liter Test Stove and Fuels
Paal Wendelbo, August 20, 2008
Boiling Test
The Multifuel Combustion System (MFCS) is a flexible system designed for bioenergy household and institutional cooking. It is based on one energy unit (the Peko Pe) which single or multiple will cower all needs of energy for inside and outside cooking. The energy unit has to be seen as a “battery” loaded with energy, and when empty, replaced with a new loaded until the food is ready. Two units of 3 litres will cover the needs of a family, ½ full with fuel for coffee or tea, a bit more for porridge and 1 ½ for the whole meal. For boiling beans, empty the unit and place the pot on the glowing char. A simple handle to hold the pot for mingling the enchima will be a good help. (See the drawing). For institutional cooking more 10litre units will be the best 3 Units will boil 60 litres within 50 minutes and continue boiling 2 more hours on 6kg of chopped wood-sticks. The system can be used for heating air or water, frying, cooking and baking bread, even smoking fish.
The MFCS will be faced the same problems as other type of new stoves and has to be trained, it is boiling faster and saving fuel (saving 2/3), burning with no smoke and little soot (depending a bit on type of fuel)
The system has been working for about 15 years and plans or more information is available by
Attached you will find some pictures of a simple 3litre teststove I use to test types of biofuel.
1. chopped woodstick from energy forestry.
2. chipped wood from sawmillslabs.
3.wood pellets.
All types brought 3 litre of water from 17C to 100C within 13-15 minutes. No smoke no soot. Between 600C and 700C flame temperature.
Flame 1
Flame 2