3rd Biennial Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Forum - March 20-23, 2007
The Partnership for Clean Indoor Air will hold its 3rd Biennial Forum in New Delhi, India from March 20 - 23, 2007. More than 100 household energy and health leaders will gather to report on extraordinary results, celebrate breakthrough achievements, and commit to attaining bold future goals to advance to the next stage reducing indoor air pollution from cooking and heating practices for 3 billion people in developing countries.
A PDF version of the Program Announcement is attached.
Specific objectives of the Forum include:
* Raise the visibility of this issue and the innovative, successful efforts being implemented in countries, regions, and worldwide.
* Strengthen Partners' capacity to implement highly effective householf energy programs, and mobilize and leverage resources.
* Identify common strategic objectives and opportunities for collaboration.
* Develop a Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Declaration on the new generation of healthy and affordable household energy interventions to present at the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development in May 2007 (http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/csd/policy.htm).
* Generate commitments and actions to achieve the eight Forum priorities.
Eight Forum priorities:
* Raise awareness of indoor air pollution and available solutions.
* Improve technologies, fuels and practices for reducing IAP exposure.
* Develop commercial markets for clean and efficient technology and fuels.
* Monitor and evaluate interventions.
* Influence energy and health policy.
* Replicate relevant health sector approaches.
* Understand greenhouse gas emissions and carbon credits.
* Support humanitarian assistance programs.
Sign Up Now!
* Submit an online registration form by February 12, 2007.
* Submit an abstract highlighting the achievement of one of the eight Forum priorities by December 31, 2006.
* If required, submit a financial assistance application form by January 2, 2007 (early deadline) or January 19, 2007 (final deadline).
* If not already a Partner, please join the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air at http://www.pciaonline.org/becomeapartner.cfm.
The forum will be held in English. The Forum is free. However, participants will be responsible for their own travel costs and other expenses. Financial assistance (for travel expenses only) is available for a limited number of participants. Priority will be given to active PCIA Partners who are implementing household energy and health projects in developing countries, and to those who apply early.Klær Nike