Boiling Point 55: Monitoring and Evaluation - NOW ONLINE

Welcome to Boiling Point number 55, which is now available to read on the website of the HEDON Household Energy Network. This issue of Boiling Point addresses the theme of "Monitoring and Evaluation" and as well as the usual great articles we've changed the format a little and introduced two new features - a case study and a toolkit.

Read it online here:

The journal is produced by Eco Ltd with financial and editorial support from Practical Action and GTZ. This issue is also kindly supported by GVEP International.

The theme of this edition is the effective Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of household energy projects. While often neglected, M&E is a critical component of any project as it allows a practitioner to measure the success of an intervention, whether in technical, social, economic, environmental or political terms, so that they can learn from the indicator results to improve future work.

* Theme Editorial - Monitoring and Evaluation by Wendy Annecke
* Monitoring and evaluation of health and socio-economic impacts: Key lessons learnt from a Household Energy & Health Project by Kirstie Jagoe, Helen Bromley and Nigel Bruce
* Results based monitoring in GTZ cooking energy interventions - A burden or a benefit? by Verena Brinkmann
* Monitoring and Evaluation Experiences from the Field by Karabi Dutta
* Stakeholders have different interests - The difference between theory and practice by Wendy Annecke
* Low-cost temperature loggers as stove use monitors (SUMs) by Ilse Ruiz-Mercado, Nick Lam, Eduardo Canuz, Gilberto Davila, Kirk R Smith
* So you finally bought a Combustion Analyser! by Crispin Pemberton-Pigott
* GTZ News edited by Lisa Feldmann and Agnes Klingshirn
* Practical Action News edited by Lucy Stevens
* GVEP International News edited by Wendy Annecke and Georgia Berry
* Monitoring and evaluation case study scenario with 5 responses from international experts
* M&E Toolkit - Six steps to Results Based Monitoring (RBM) by Melanie Djédjé
* HEDON News - What’s happening in household energy?

Read it online here:


James Robinson
HEDON Household Energy Network
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