Green Pail/Hot Bucket Retained Heat Cooker

“How-To Designs” and Lanny Henson presents,
The “Green Pail”/“Hot Bucket” Retained Heat Cooker.
April 20, 2008

The Green Pail will hold 7.5 liters of boiling hot pintos long enough to cook the beans well done and soft, without adding more heat.

The Green Pail is constructed from a 5 gallon plastic pail, two pail lids, two 9” cake pans, one piece of sheet metal about 33”X15” or 38 X 84cm, a few screws and some sawdust or other insulation.

When I designed the Green Pail I was looking for a use for some of those used 5 gallon plastic pails that wind up in the land fills. They are millions out there.

I am also interested in appliances that save energy.
I like to invent, develop and prototype designs, especially from recycled materials.
I am also interested in helping the 2-3 billion people, that cook with biomass, to reduce the amount of resources they need.

I want to enable individuals to build and create practical applications by teaching them simple skill sets and methods.

I am also interested in off grid cooking for fun, and to prepare for survival in emergency and disaster situations.

01- The Green Pail with lid and 8 QT pot
02- The pot sits on the insulated lid.
03- The double wall pail caps the pot to retain heat.
05- 7.5 liters of boiling pinto beans sits on the insulated lid.
06- On goes the Green Pail.
07- At 4.75 hours the beans are soft and well cooked.
08- The temperature at 4.75 hours is 175 degF or 80 degC.

The large mass of 7.5+ kilograms, helped keep the temps up. With a two liter pot the temps drop faster so the beans are reheated after 2 hours to complete the cooking.

The Green Pail can be used to:
1- Hold food at safe temps between meals eliminating the need for refrigeration.
2- Hold hot tea water. In many places a stove is fired 5 times a day to serve tea. The “Green Pail” could reduce the need to fire a stove to 2 or 3 times a day.
3- Reduce simmering time on the stove and get the heat out of the kitchen to reduce summer time A/C cost.
4- Reduce time and labor needed to maintain a simmering pot. With a Green Pail you just set it and forget it!
5- Create micro enterprise. One could build and sell Green Pails as a street vender, or at a flea market.
6- Learn useful and practical skill sets, methods and experience the pleasure of building something practical with your own two hands.
7- Recycle plastic pails into something useful.

“How to build The Green Pail” will be my first instructional video and it will be free, so stay tuned to “LannyPlans” on YouTube and search for “Lanny Henson” at the “BioEnergy List: Biomass Cooking Stove” web site. My target date for publication is mid May 2008.

MY second instructional video in late May 2008 will be about “Pot Modules” which focus and captures heat, making any stove more efficient. After that I will do some burner modules and some other heat utilizing modules. I have lots of designs simmering and almost done so subscribe to “LannyPlans” at YouTube and check in often at the “BioEnergy List: Biomass Cooking Stove” web site so you want be left out.

Thanks for viewing,
Lanny Henson

Also coming soon “”