Wood Density Database (ICRAF)

Wood Density Database
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya

Wood density, or the dry weight per unit volume of wood, is an important parameter that
- can be used in allometric equations that estimate tree biomass and carbon stocks from stem diameter values (e.g. W = 0.11 r D2+c , Ketterings et al. 2001. Reducing uncertainty in the use of allometric biomass equations for predicting above-ground tree biomass in mixed secondary forests, Forest Ecology and Management 146, 199-209)

-indicate the use value (higher density wood tends to burn slower and is thus more useful as firewood or as source of charcoal, it also correlates with strength, although there are better parameters for strength per se).

Wood density varies with tree species, growth conditions and part of the tree measured. The main stem generally has a higher wood density than the branches, while fast growth is generally related to relatively low wood density. For most species the literature thus gives a range with low, medium and high values. In this database we have collected quantitative information from a number of publicly available sources. As you will note, there is no standardization of the moisture content of the (‘air dry’) wood in the densities reported, and some conversions may be needed.

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30677-00100 GPO
Telephone: +254 20 722 4000 or via USA +1 650 833 6645
Fax: +254 20 722 4001 or via USA +1 650 833 6646
Email: ICRAF@cgiar.org
www: http://www.worldagroforestrycentre.org
